Page 79 of Wilder Ever After

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We did as she asked, helping her carefully strip Julio from his life jacket after she fashioned a makeshift neck brace with her own.

“Gotta be careful just in case. Let’s just get him stable, and then I’ll see if I have cell service out here, and we’ll call for help.” Marge reached for her satchel but patted her chest instead. Her eyes bulged as she looked down. “My satchel. Where is it?”

“What?” I spun to look at her and then noticed it was missing. “Oh, my God. Is it lost?”

We all started scanning the area, but no one saw a thing.

Marge pressed her hand to the top of her head. “Well, shit. It must have ripped off in the rapids.”

“What about his bag? Anything in there?” I pointed to his dry bag.

Alice yanked it open, searched the contents, then shook her head. “Nothing.”

“Shit,” I breathed. “Why the hell doesn’t he have a phone on him?”

“Probably did on the raft,” Marge said. “There was that storage box in it I saw him putting stuff into. But the raft is gone.”

“So ... we don’t have any way to call for help?” Doris’s lip quivered. “What do we do?”

Marge dropped her head for a moment, and her shoulders heaved with a sigh. Then she lifted it, and that resolve was back on her face again. “Now we hunker down and wait for someone to notice we’re gone and send a rescue team.”

“How long is that going to take?” Alice arched an eyebrow.

“Dunno. Could be hours. Could be ... days.” She passed a serious glance between us. “To ensure our survival, we need to plan on days.”

A long gulp slid down my throat.


We were going to possibly be stuck in the jungle for days?

I looked around at the rugged world surrounding us.

That is, if we make it that long.


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