Page 6 of Wilder Ever After

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“What’s going on?” Marge sat forward, concern furrowing her brow.

“I, uh ... I’m selling my house.”

“What?” they questioned in unison.

“You can’t do that!” Doris cried out. “What? Why?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Alice lifted her hands. “What do you mean you’re selling your house? I thought we all agreed to keep our houses here so we could come back and visit a few weeks every year.”

I walked back over and sat back down. “I know. I know we did, but I think keeping this house is holding me back from moving completely forward with Tom. Every time I come here, I’m riddled with guilt about moving on so quickly ... and going back to the man who was the true father of the child Bruce raised. I think holding onto this house is stopping me from closing that chapter on my life completely and moving forward.”

Marge’s frown deepened. “But does that mean you won’t be coming back here?”

“No! Of course not!” I reached over and took her hand in mine. “It just means I’ll have to stay with one of you if that’s okay, or I can get a hotel.”

“My house is enormous,” Alice said. “You’re always welcome there. And I have no intentions of selling. Real estate is a great investment.”

“So, you aren’t leaving us?” Doris’s eyes shimmered with tears.

“No! Never. I will never leave you, ladies. I just think that maybe this house is the problem, and it’s time I said goodbye.”

Marge smushed her brow. “Wait. There are problems? With you and Tom?”

My head nearly fell off I shook it so hard. “None. In fact, things with Tom couldn’t be more perfect. But somewhere inside of me, something is ... missing. I don’t know. Just ignore me. It’s probably just the whiskey talking.”

“Whiskey is truth serum. Don’t forget that.” Marge waved her finger in my face.

“It is,” I agreed. “And on the truth serum, I can tell you that I love Tom with my whole heart. Always have, always will. And Rachel took finding out he’s her real father in such stride. I knew she would, but seeing her and Tom build their relationship has been just incredible. But deep down, that stupid guilt rises up every time I see them together. Guilt that I took raising her away from Tom. Guilt that she never knew her real father. Guilt that I lied to Bruce all those years. Just guilt. And I want it gone. So, I’m selling the house.”

Doris tipped her head. “And you think that will help you let go of Bruce?”

With a heavy sigh, I answered, “I hope so. It’s the only thing left I can think of to do. There’s just something ... missing.”

Alice leaned over and put a hand on my shoulder. “You do what you need to do to move forward and find your happiness. We’ll understand.”

“You will? You won’t be mad?”

“We understand, Sylvie.” Doris pinched her face, concern twisting it all up. “But I worry about you now. You deserve to be happy.”

Marge nodded along. “As long as you don’t ditch us, we won’t be mad.”

“You know I’ll never ditch you. You ladies are my world. I’m so glad you understand.”

Marge rubbed her chin. “You know. Since my mom passed away, I’ve also wondered what to do about my house. I don’t exactly have a fortune to keep paying taxes and maintenance on it while I’m not even living there.”

Doris’s eyes went big. “Are you thinking of selling too?”

With a shrug, she slumped down. “I don’t know. Maybe? I mean, if Sylvie is selling, maybe I should too.”

“Oh! Then you can both stay with me!” Alice lit up. “Slumber party!”

“Well, I’m not selling.” Doris shook her head hard. “I raised my family in that house. Too many memories to part with it. I want to leave it to the kids when I’m gone. I’m going to start renting mine out with the VRBO place. Maybe you should look into that, Marge.”

“Maybe.” Marge tipped her head the scrunched up her face. “I don’t know how I feel about strangers going through my stuff, though. I’m just tossing out ideas now since Sylvie said she was selling. I guess I’ll look into both.”

We sat in silence for a few long moments, and a mutual sadness passed between us.

“Wow. So, we’re really moving on with our lives, huh?” I looked across their faces. “Really closing the door on Wilder Lane?”

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