Page 25 of Husband Skills

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Nothing matters except my wife. Getting to Dani. Keeping her safe.

Why’d she press the button? What the hell is going on over there? Gunning the engine, I tear along the starlit roads, thanking the lord there are no other drivers out this late on a Tuesday.

My phone stops pinging before I’m halfway home. Don’t care. I push the bike faster, wind whipping my shirt, and screech up outside our building in five minutes flat.

No time to park nicely. No time to do anything except kill the engine, lurch off the bike, and sprint for the front doors. I punch in my code, and my hands are shaking so bad that I get it wrong the first time. Letting loose a string of loud curses, I punch in my code again, then barge through the doors when they click.

The building lobby is quiet. The elevator stands silent and ghostly, but I sprint for the stairwell. Not gonna risk getting trapped in there, or cornered. Not when Dani is in danger.

Top floor, though. Lord above, I am not built for all this cardio, and I’m wheezing and sweating like a madman when I finally burst out of the stairwell on the top floor.

Our door is closed. The building is quiet. Warm light glows around the edges of the door.

Mouth dry, I creep closer. If someone’s inside there with her, I need to be smart about this. The stakes could not possibly be higher.

With one shaking hand, I grip the door handle.

“I’m sorry!” Dani blurts, rushing forward as soon as I push the door open. She’s dressed in a silk camisole and pajama pants, her new baby bump pressing against the fabric. I check her from head to toe, ears pricked for other sounds in the apartment as I stride to her, but there’s nothing. Not a scratch on her. “I’m so sorry! I was playing with the alarm in bed, thinking how sweet it was for you to give it to me, and then my thumb slipped, and once it started wailing I couldn’t get it to stop. God, I’m sorry! Were you worried?”

Was Iworried? She gave me a goddamn heart attack! I drove here fast enough to fly!

“S’okay,” I mutter, sweeping her up in my arms. In truth, I’m rattled as hell, but I’m not about to yell at my pregnant wife. Not when for five awful minutes back there, I thought I might’ve lost her.

“The neighbors definitely hate me now. It was so loud, Kingston, and two of them came knocking before I could switch it off.”

“Good.” That means if she ever needs help for real, they’ll allhaveto pay attention.

“I apologized, obviously. But it’s so late, and—”

“I don’t care about their beauty sleep, Dani.” The sofa groans as I settle us down on it, my wife draped across my lap. Her bare legs glow in the moonlight spilling through the windows. “I care that you’re safe. They can all suck it up.”

And if they have complaints… well let’s face it, they’ll never whine to me.Sometimes being the bogeyman in town has its perks.

“I’ll bake them cookies,” she declares, with a sharp nod. Yeah, she’ll win them back over, no problem, because she has a real way with people. Who could stay mad at such a sweet girl?

Dani wriggles on my lap to get comfier, and her eyebrows bounce when she feels the hard bulge inside my jeans.

I shrug, not sorry at all. “All this adrenaline’s gotta go somewhere.”

And Dani snorts, but then her smile turns sly. She scrambles off my lap, dodging my hands, so slippery when she wants to be—then kneels between my spread knees. As she reaches for my belt, I lean back with a deep sigh, because yeah, I need this right now. I really need this.

And Dani has the sweetest, most sinful mouth you could ever dream of.

“Poor Kingston,” she coos, the scratch of my zipper cutting through the quiet apartment. “Have you had a rough night?”

My laugh is gravelly. “Just a scare.” Thought I’d lost the most important person in the whole world. Thought I’d die of panic.

Dani drops a gentle kiss on the head of my shaft. “Let me make that up to you.”

And as I tip my head back, my heart rate finally slowing, and feel Dani’s sweet, wet mouth enveloping my length…

Yeah. We’re already even.

And next it’s her turn.

* * *

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