Page 21 of Husband Skills

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Except… itisgonna happen. Right? And it’ll break me when it does, so I scrounge up the courage from lord knows where to answer back. “Um, yes it is. The whole point of us practicing was so you could marry someone else one day—”

“Not. Gonna. Happen.”

Kingston scowls down at me, crowding me closer against the desk, and if I didn’t know him so well by now, I might actually be scared.

As it is, I bite my lip as shivers coast over my skin. Of course I want him closer. I’llalwayswant this man as close as he can get, especially when he’s so tall and strong and manly and nice-smelling. Seriously, why aren’t the ladies of Beaver Creek tripping over themselves to get a slice?


I’ve had enough dumb jealousy for one day. Better nip that thought right in the bud.

“So you changed your mind about a wife?” I ask. My neck aches from peering up at my surly boss, but my bones are less leaden than a moment ago.

He shakes his head. “Nope.”

“Then what—”

Kingston talks over me, still looking madder than a pole cat. “I changed my mind about marrying anyone else except you, Danielle.”

Danielle.Hoo boy.

If he’s calling me by my full name, I’m definitely still in trouble… and yet here I am, squirming with joy. Feels like fairy lights are glittering inside me.

“You want to marryme?” I ask, needing to hear it again.

Kingston grunts and nods, but he looks a fraction less mad when I put my hands on his chest. His heartbeat thumps against my palm, and it’s frantic enough to give him away. He’s not as calm about this as he seems.

“Me,” I say again, in case he hasn’t noticed that I’m a complete basket case. “The girl who just had a meltdown because of her dream last night.”

“You,” Kingston agrees.

I’ve never grinned so wide in my life.

“But I’m a nut job,” I say, tugging him closer by the shirt.

“Then you’re my nut job.” With that, my boss ducks his head and kisses me for the second time. And…

Heat.Molten heat.

It seeps through my veins and spreads under my skin. It twists in my low belly, and makes me squirm against the edge of the table, panting into Kingston’s mouth.

He takes no mercy. He kisses me harder, deeper, my head bowing back with the force of it, and all I can do is cling to his shoulders for balance.

“Mine,” Kingston mutters, finally tearing his mouth away to trail hungry kisses down my throat. Impatient hands tug at my shirt, my shorts, the tie in my hair, half undressing me but mostly getting me all rumpled. “Get these off, Dani.”

Dani.Okay, we’re getting there.

Pushing onto my toes, I kiss Kingston’s stubbly throat as I pop the button of my shorts open and tug the zipper down. I rest my ear against his chest as I kick my sneakers off one by one, listening to theboom, boom, boomof his heart.

Need to lean back to get my t-shirt and bra off, no way around that. But when I do, I find Kingston gazing down at me with something like awe, and despite the heat, goosebumps prickle over my suddenly naked body. I fight the urge to cover myself with my hands.

“You gonna lock the door, boss man?” No one ever knocks on Kingston’s office door, but theoretically they might. And I may be feeling bold enough to get naked on my boss’s desk, but I’m definitely still shy about anyone but Kingston seeing me like this.


Kingston lunges across the office and slaps the lock on so fast, I blink. Who knew such a big guy could move like that? He rockets around the desk, too, tugging the ancient blinds into place, even though no one ever wanders around the back of King’s. Nothing to see there except cracked dirt and old weeds—and my bare ass, I guess.

“I think we’re good,” I say when Kingston glares up at the vent near the ceiling. Frankly, if some peeper crawled up there, they earned the view.

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