Page 13 of Husband Skills

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“Wait,” I bark out, rougher than I intended, but there’s no time to apologize. No time to do anything except launch myself out of the truck and round the hood in three steps, yanking the passenger door open.

Dani promised I could lift her down this time. Damn right I’m gonna collect.

She blinks at me, flowery sundress sliding up her soft thighs. Without a word, Dani reaches out and braces her hands on my shoulders.

“Out you come.” It’s so easy lifting her down from the truck. Like taking the coffee pot down from my kitchen cupboard. Or, you know… something more poetic.

And I’ve had her in my arms once already tonight, but it’s still a rush. Still makes my throat tighten and my heart race. I lift her down as slowly as I reasonably can without looking insane, milking this moment for as long as I can.

Then Dani’s feet hit the ground, and she slips away, hurrying to her door. Because I freaked her out? Made her uncomfortable? Shit.

This is practice. And I may have forgotten that, but it doesn’t meanshehas.

“Sorry,” I mutter when I join Dani by her front door. She pauses where she’s fumbling with the key, shooting me a wide-eyed look over her shoulder. “Didn’t mean to make this weird.”

Her mouth rounds, and I scratch the back of my neck, peering up at the moon. It’s not full anymore but it’s still big and bloated, hanging over the valley.

“You didn’t—”

“I won’t touch you like that again, I swear.”

Not unless I’m invited.

But that clearly won’t happen, because Dani swallows hard and nods. She scrabbles with the key for a moment longer, then she’s rushing inside, leaving me alone on the stoop.

“Thank you for tonight,” my bartender says in a rush, already half-closing the door. What, does she think I’m gonna barge in there? Force my way inside? Shit. That thought makes me sick.

And now I’m noticing how flimsy the lock on her front door is, and that she lives alone, and… shit.

None of my business.

It’s none of my business.

But I can’t help myself. I scowl down at my dream woman, shoving my hands in my pockets. “Got the alarm I gave you?”

Dani nods quickly and pats her little cross-body bag. “I carry it everywhere, like you said.”

Good… that’s good. That helps.

“Keep it charged,” I mutter, then turn on my heel like I’ve forgotten the most basic manners. Maybe I have.

“Goodnight!” Dani calls after me, and I wave a hand without looking back. Climb into my truck and slam the door closed.

I’m being rude, I know. Pushing her away again after a perfect night.

But I can’t let her see my face.

Can’t show how much it kills me leaving her there alone.



For the rest of the week, Kingston acts completely normal. He’s back in surly boss mode, all professional and distant, with no mention of our night at the Ellisons’ barns and no suggestion of a second date.

Meanwhile,I’mnot acting cool. No, sir. On Saturday afternoon, when I squeeze past him in the stock room, the faint whiff of his cologne makes my tummy flip. When he sets up his laptop to work on the bar, I stare at him like I’ve never seen an attractive man before.

Kingston doesn’t look up. He barely notices I’m alive, and after all that warmth and affection and teasing the other night… this is torture.

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