Page 63 of Loud Places

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“Well, it’s your own damn fault, from what I hear,” Austin continued, pouring each of them a steaming hot mug of coffee.

“Austin…” Matty chastised.

“No, I mean it.” He looked at Ethan who seemed stunned by Austin’s forwardness. “You gotta seal the deal, man. That’s what I did with this one,” he winked at Matty, blowing him a quick kiss.

Matty couldn’t help grinning at his ridiculous boyfriend. He was such an idiot. This was his life now, he suddenly realized. One day after another, stretching out in front of him. Days spent at sea, working side by side with Austin. Sunday lunches at Will and Millie’s place, card games with Ray twice a month, long walks with Cassie at the beach, his fingers tangled with Austin’s. Yeah, this was his life. A life he’d made for himself. He could easily repeat this very day for the rest of his life, and he’d never grow tired of it.

He didn’t need a ton of adventures and thrills. Those were overrated when you’d grown up in a war zone. If there was one thing that Matty hated, it was the unknown. Uncertainty. He shied away from it. It paralyzed him. It ate at him until he felt small and vulnerable. His childhood had been filled with unpredictability, never knowing what kind of mood his father would be in. Best case scenario always was that he’d simply ignore Matty. Worst case scenario? Well, that ranged from bad to worse to really fucking horrific. It could mean anything from a busted lip to a bruised rib to a fractured bone. It did something to you, never knowing when the next fist would hit you out of nowhere or when the next slur would chip away at your already damaged soul. Every day, living in his father’s house, was just another day of surviving whereas his life now was his own to mold and shape.

Matty often wondered how he’d come away from the years of bullying, violence, and emotional abuse. And every time the image of Ethan flashed before him. It was all because of Ethan. He had loved Matty when no one else had. He had protected him and encouraged him. His best friend was exactly just that. The best. His unwavering belief in Matty had made Matty believe, too. That things could change. That they could be better. That hedeservedbetter.

“Seal the deal?” Ethan raised a curious eyebrow at Austin. “So how did you seal the deal with this one?” He ruffled Matty’s hair affectionately, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

Austin looked smug as he adjusted his backwards ball cap, black locks trying to escape at the front. He always wore it and knew exactly what it did to Matty. It drove him mad with want. And Austin could basically get away with anything, wearing it and blinking his sexy, gray eyes at Matty.

“Flashed my abs one day on the docks and this one—” he reached out and pulled Matty against his chest, “—followed me around like a lovesick puppy for the rest of the summer,” he chuckled.

Ethan burst out laughing, snorting coffee all over Matty’s coveralls. Good thing they were already dirty.

“Fuck you, babe,” Matty protested. “That’s such a goddamn lie,” he slapped Austin’s shoulder teasingly. “You’re such a dork,” he mumbled enamored, struggling to hold back a smile.

“Aww,” Ethan laughed, wiping coffee from his chin. “This is fucking priceless, man. Lovesick puppy. Jesus, dude, that’s hilarious.” He brushed tears away from the corners of his eyes as he continued to howl with laughter. Matty tried to keep up the pretense that he was mad but between Ethan’s contagious laughter and Austin’s bright smile, he failed miserably.

“That’s not at all how it was, and you damn well know it…” he mumbled against Austin’s chest.

“Nah, true story.” Austin’s gaze was suddenly serious, his voice gruff sounding with emotion. “Knew I had to make Matty mine from the moment I saw him. Just knew right away.” Austin smiled wistfully, rubbing his chest right above his heart.

“Fucking hell,” Ethan murmured, his eyes suddenly spilling over with emotion.

Silence spread between them as they drank the rest of their coffee, eyes fixed on the ocean. Finally, Matty clasped his hands together, before pressing a loud kiss against Austin’s lips.

“Well, lads, no rest for the wicked! Let’s get this show on the road!”


Matty – Now

“SO, YOU THINKyou’re gonna go back for the trial, too? Because that could be a while, right?” Ethan leaned back on his elbows on the wooden pier while he gazed out at the ocean. It was quiet today, blue and turquoise waves glistening in the afternoon sun.

“I don’t know. Wilson promised to keep me in the loop. I mean, if the district attorney wants me to testify, I will… But according to Wilson, the police and medical reports oughta be enough for them to put him away. For a long-ass time, hopefully.” Matty sighed. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to testify if it became necessary. There wasn’t anything he wasn’t willing to do to put that fucker away—even if it meant recounting all the punches and the kicks. All the broken bones and the hungry nights. Hell, he could relive it all if the outcome ended up being his father rotting away in a dark cell at some state penitentiary in a godforsaken corner of Texas.

“Well, in any case it’ll be over, then. You won’t have to worry about that asshole anymore.” A worried frown appeared between Ethan’s brows. “Do you think you’ll ever come back for good? To Eden, I mean?” He looked at Matty, his blond hair surrounding his still boyish face, soulful eyes looking at Ethan. “Nah,” Ethan shook his head. “Don’t ever come back. You’ve got a good thing goin’ here, Matty. I’ll miss you like hell, but don’t ever come back unless it’s to visit your mom or your old friend.” Ethan scrunched his nose, eyes tinted with regret and longing.

Matty felt tears pressing behind his lids. He never used to cry before setting foot in Grant’s Harbor. Tears were just used against you at the Craig house. But these days, he cried over almost anything. He knew that it wasn’t gonna be the last time he saw Ethan. He knew that in his heart. Hell, he was probably gonna see him again shortly, when he and Austin went to the rehabilitation center in Waco to see his mom. She was being transferred there from the hospital in two days’ time.

“Of course, I’ll come back to see you, Eth. You know I’ll always come back to you, brother.”

Ethan turned his head abruptly, his lips mouthing the word silently.Brother.

“You are that, you know? My brother,” Ethan murmured, his voice raspy, his eyes a wet sheen to them.”

“I know,” Matty swallowed.

“No matter where we are in the world, no matter where we go. You’ll also be in my heart,” Ethan nodded, more to himself, Matty figured.

“I know. I just wish we could be in the same place, you know? Or at least, that there weren’t so many miles between us… That maybe you could stay…” Matty trailed off.

“Yeah… I can’t, man. I have responsibilities back home. I mean, it is what it is, right?” Ethan shrugged, the look in his eyes indecipherable.

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