Page 16 of Loud Places

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“Yeah, that’s why we wanted to run away together. Right after graduation. Or that was the plan at least.” Ethan untangled his fingers from Avery’s firm hold and ran both hands through his auburn hair. “So yeah, that’s what I’d wanna do. I’d wanna teach dyslexic kids like Matty. Give them a safe place to learn in. Give them the opportunity to get a degree if they’d want that. Or just be able to go to school every day without being bullied and knocked about.” Ethan trailed off, anger in his eyes.

“That sounds amazing, Ethan,” Avery whispered, his kind eyes bright with admiration. “You should definitely do that. You would make a great teacher. You’re not only smart, but you’re also emphatic and engaging and that’s the most important thing.” Eagerness was slowly building in Avery’s voice as he kept his eyes on Ethan.

“I can’t do that. I could never do that,” Ethan murmured, his voice heavy with resignation. “My folks don’t have that kind of money. They can barely make ends meet as it is. I still have three younger siblings living at home. My dad’s away working construction most of the time, busting his ass for a near starvation wage. I’d never ask them for that kinda money. They only get by as it is because I chip in.” The more he voiced the reasons for the improbability of this dream coming true, the more he felt like getting up and running out the door. And just keep on running until his head was devoid of these naïve, unrealistic ideas. He suddenly felt angry with not only his life circumstances but also with himself for initiating the conversation in the first place.

“You wouldn’t have to. There are scholarships. You have good grades, right? From high school. You would be an excellent candidate for a scholarship, and you would most definitely qualify for financial aid, especially if you chose a college out of state. It’s not that difficult to apply. I could help you…” Avery started searching through his phone, which he’d left on the table between them, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

“It doesn’t matter,” Ethan replied. “I’m not gonna go. I’ve got a job lined up at a farm when I get back home.”

“What do you mean? Of course, it matters! It’s your dream, Ethan. And it’s within reach. You could…” Avery shook his head in disbelief.

It dawned on Ethan that Avery came from an entirely different world than him. A world of possibilities andwhy notsinstead ofno ways.A streak of jealousy flashed through his chest. Ever since Ethan could remember, he’d had responsibilities around the house. As soon as school was out, chores awaited him at home—often, he’d take care of fixing stuff that his dad would usually do when he was home.My little man,his mom always called him.I don’t know what I’d do without you, hon. You’re my little man.School breaks were spent working for Mr. Peterson, contributing to the household when his dad was between construction jobs. There was no way Avery would understand something like that. How could he?

“Just leave it alone, Avery, okay? Just leave it.” Ethan scooted to the end of the booth and searched through his backpack for his wallet. “I’m not gonna go. I know you mean well, but it’s none of your business.” He cursed himself for even making it Avery’s business in the first place by telling him. Dropping a few bills on the table, Ethan slung his backpack over his right shoulder, before mumbling at a stunned Avery, “I’ll see you outside.”


Matty – Then

“MATTY! LET’S CALLit a day after this lot. It’s too damn hot today, kid…” Will brushed at his sweaty forehead, nodding at the stack of empty containers on the dock they’d just started rinsing off. It had been a shit day at sea, most of the traps were only holding two to three lobsters each, and at one point, Matty had almost keeled over when the sun had started beating down on them in earnest. It had been the worst catch in the one year he’d been staying with the Harts.

“Yeah, sure thing, Will.” It was fucking ruthless today. Any kind of refreshing breeze had abandoned the usually very windy Grant’s Harbor and the air was standing still, unforgiving heat pouring off every surface. It wasn’t like the heat back home. No, you got used to that kinda temperature because it was a steady thing, all day, every day, seeping into the late hours of the night too. Matty sometimes wondered if this tolerance of devilishly high temperatures was part of every West Texan from the day you were born. Imprinted into your every cell. Into your blood. But this heat was different. It was unexpected. All-consuming and suffocating.

“Yeah…” Will continued as he reached for another container. “No man or beast should be forced to be outside in this kinda weather.” He scrutinized Matty for a moment. “You’ve had enough to drink today, son? You know water won’t do it for ya alone.”

The start of a smile blossomed at the right corner of Matty’s mouth. How fucking endearing that a rough-looking fisherman from Maine was worried about a West Texan born and bred managing the heat. It always resulted in a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest whenever Will or Millie worried about him. It made him feel important and worth something. Like if something were to happen to him, they’d be sad. Or if he were to leave, they’d come look for him. Yeah, he kinda had a feeling that they would.

“I’m good, Will. Had a soda a little while back.” He grinned at Will while brushing at a persistent, wayward curl spilling onto his sticky forehead.Yeah, I’m good.He was great, even. Life in Grant’s Harbor was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before in his nearly seventeen years on this planet.

The best thing about life in this small corner of the world was that it was fucking predictable. You always knew what to expect. There were no sudden outbursts of rage or random hateful slurs. No iron fists coming outta nowhere or stray smacks to the back of your head followed by aget outta my way, you fucking mamma’s boy.To most people there was probably nothing exotic about predictability, but to Matty it was fucking intoxicating. It was like a drug he couldn’t get enough of. Once he’d had a taste, he was hooked.

The now familiar sound of a motor-driven lobstering boat arriving at the docks made Matty look up briefly from his task. It was the O’Neil boat.Victoria.The boat belonged to Ray O’Neil who worked alongside his only son Austin out on the ocean six days a week. He’d only spoken to Ray a few times, but Matty liked him already. A man of few words just like Will, Ray had a dry sense of humor that would appear like a lightning bolt from a clear blue sky when you’d least expect it. Matty liked that. It reminded him of Ethan’s dad back home.

Matty hadn’t had more than a handful of exchanges with the young O’Neil, so what happened next was rather unexpected and Matty would later refer to it as God’s eighth wonder. Or his bisexual awakening once he’d had time to Google it and dissect the moment in detail later that night. It felt like a scene from one of those lame eighties movies where everything suddenly happens in slow-motion, an upbeat soundtrack accompanying images of a hot guy running along the beach or shaking out his wet hair—a hot as fuck guy.Strange how Matty had always imagined this exact moment—the moment—as something else entirely. Because in all his daydreams and fantasies, in all his teenage wet dreams or extensive spank bank material, it had always beenthe girl.

Mostly, she’d been a blonde, girl-next-door type of chick. Big tits spilling out of a tight tank top. Skimpy, cut-off jeans. If he was feeling really adventurous, his dream girl would even sport a belly button piercing and would be licking a cherry popsicle obscenely, moaning ahey Mattywhile twirling her pink tongue around the tip of the melting ice. Oh yeah, Matty knew exactly how to get his teen libido from A to B in a matter of seconds. But never, in any of his jack-off sessions, had it been the image of a guy that had occupied his thoughts.So, what the actual fuck?

As soon as the boat reached the docks, Austin jumped from his dad’s boat, his tight, white t-shirt clinging to his sweaty chest like a second skin. Working quickly, a concentrated frown between his black brows, Austin skillfully started securing the boat. Ray hollered something at his son and Austin laughed at him, shaking his head, an amused look in his eyes. Looking up, he smiled cheekily at Matty who nearly dropped the container that he’d been stacking on top of another onto his feet.

Austin started pulling his t-shirt over his head, revealing a firm set of glistening abs and a broad set of tanned, muscular pecs before shaking out his damp hair. Austin was fucking built. You wouldn’t know since he usually sported the same kinda canvas coveralls that the rest of the lobstermen wore. Trailing his eyes over Austin’s remarkable upper body, Matty’s gaze eventually landed on the dark trail of hair starting just below his belly button, leading all the way down to the hem of Austin’s low-hanging, green board shorts.

Suddenly, it dawned on Matty why it was commonly referred to as ahappy trail.He suddenly felt like giggling which was pretty fucking random and weird too. He’d seen Ethan naked countless times, but he’d never felt like this. He was completely awestruck by Austin and his supreme hotness. Drops of sweat trailed down Austin’s chiseled jaw and further down his neck and Matty had a sudden urge to lick at Austin’s protruding Adam’s apple. Or perhaps even bite it.Shit.Yeah, he really wanted to taste it.

“Hey man,” Austin winked, briefly touching Matty’s shoulder with his own as he blew past him, a breeze of ocean and male sweat invading Matty’s nostrils causing his lungs to almost combust.

“Hey,” Matty whispered as he proceeded to turn around, checking out Austin’s broad, sculpted back and bouncing ass as he headed for the outdoor showers. A generous handful, he thought to himself, momentarily looking at his own calloused hands. Yeah, definitely. The fact that he was clearly checking Austin out had become irrelevant at this point since his horny, inexperienced teenage mind had become all mushy. Halfway there, Austin turned around, a wicked smile pulling at the right corner of his full mouth, dimples popping.

“Hot, huh?” he yelled at Matty, waking him from his lust-induced daze.

“Sorry, what?” Matty replied, clenching his fists, noticing a weird buzz in his ears. Maybe he hadn’t had enough to drink. Maybe he was in fact having a heatstroke.

“It’s hot today, huh?” Austin grinned teasingly, wiping at his sweaty chest with his equally sweaty t-shirt.

“Yeah, right,” Matty forced out, before continuing like a fucking genius. “Hot.”

“Later, man.” Austin smiled, biting his plump bottom lip, briefly scrunching his nose, before turning around, walking away.

“Later,” Matty whispered, fireworks going off in the back of his mind as well as in his suddenly much too tight cutoffs.

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