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The burnin my thighs is almost unbearable, and I can feel the sweat pooling at the nape of my neck, making my wavy brown hair stick to my skin. Ty stands just a few feet away from me, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest as he watches my every move. My discomfort with exercise is clear, but there's something else growing inside me—an undeniable attraction to this personal trainer who seems to see right through me.

"Come on, Ophelia, just a few more reps," Ty urges, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine.

I grit my teeth and push through the pain, completing the last set of squats. As I stand upright, my legs trembling, Ty's face breaks into a grin of approval. It sends butterflies racing through my stomach, and I can't help but blush under his intense gaze.

Everything about Ty is intense. He stares at me so intensely sometimes it kind of scares me. Not that I’m scared ofhim. Somehow, I don’t get the feeling that Ty would ever hurt me. Maybe what I’m scared of are all the new feelings he’s eliciting in me? I don’t know.

"Great job," he says, stepping closer to me. His cologne, a mix of cedarwood and citrus, fills my senses, making it difficult to focus on anything other than him.

"Thanks," I manage to stammer out, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. I quickly grab my water bottle to take a sip and hide my flushed face.

"Keep this up, and you'll be unstoppable," he adds with a wink before turning to assist another gym member.

My heart races in my chest as I watch him walk away, and I silently berate myself for falling so quickly for someone like Ty. This isn't like me. I'm a simple dog walker leading an uncomplicated life. What am I doing here, entertaining these feelings?

After my workout, I head straight to Cassie's apartment, desperate for her advice. The moment I step through the door, she takes one look at my face and knows something is bothering me.

"Spill it, girl," Cassie demands, her long blonde hair swishing around her shoulders as she settles onto her couch. "What's going on?"

"Ty," I blurt out, unable to hold back any longer. "I think I'm falling for him."

Cassie's eyes widen, but instead of the concern I anticipated, a mischievous grin spreads across her face. "Well, it's about time you admit it!" she exclaims, clapping her hands together.

"Wait, you're not worried?" I ask, genuinely taken aback by her reaction.

"Ophelia, we've been friends forever, and I know you better than anyone," Cassie says earnestly. "You deserve to explore your feelings and enjoy life. If Ty makes you happy, then go for it!"

"But what if I’m not his type? What if I'm just setting myself up for heartbreak? And there’s this air of…danger or something about him. What if…" I trial off, unsure of where I’m going with my thought—or maybe I’m just afraid to finish it. My fears spill out uncontrollably, and I’m sure my green eyes are pleading for some sort of assurance from my best friend.

"Life is full of risks, Ophelia," Cassie replies gently. "But I believe that the rewards can outweigh them. Trust yourself, trust your instincts, and take a chance."

Her words wrap around me like a warm embrace, providing me with the courage I need to face my feelings head-on. I nod, determined to follow her advice and see where this newfound attraction to Ty might lead me.

"Alright," I whisper, my resolve settling in place. "I'll give it a shot."

"Good," Cassie beams, her infectious energy reigniting my own. "Now, let's get you ready for your next workout session. We have a personal trainer to impress."

* * *

The sun filters through the canopy of trees lining the park, casting dappled shadows on the worn path beneath my feet. The sound of birdsong and the rustle of leaves are a welcome reprieve from the pounding bass at the gym. I tug gently on the leashes in my hand, guiding the pack of dogs forward as we meander along the trail. As we round a bend, I spot Jeremy Foster leaning against a tree, his lanky frame illuminated by the golden sunlight.

"Ophelia!" he calls out, pushing his square glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Right on time."

"Hey, Jeremy," I say, grinning as I approach him. His familiar face is a comforting sight after the whirlwind of emotions I've been experiencing recently.

"Are you done with Mr. Snuffles?" he asks, motioning to the fluffy Pomeranian at my side. I hand over the leash, and our fingers brush. I pull my hand discreetly away. It's not that I think Jeremy is hitting on me or anything, but it just feels odd having another man touch me in any fashion now.

It just shows how deep my feelings for Ty are already running.

"Of course," I reply, watching as he crouches down to greet his energetic pup. The affection between them is palpable, and it warms my heart.

"Thanks for always taking such good care of him, Ophelia," Jeremy says, standing back up and locking eyes with me. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Ah, it's no problem," I smile at his earnest appreciation. "I love my job, and Mr. Snuffles is an absolute joy to walk."

"Still," he insists, "you go above and beyond. And I want you to know that it doesn't go unnoticed."
