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I’ve always wanted those things, but my desire has only amplified times a million now that I’ve been inside her.

She finally glances down at her phone. "Oh, crap. I've got to get to work. I was supposed to pick up a pup five minutes ago. I'll see you later, Ty."

"Definitely," I promise, already plotting when and where our next encounter might take place.

As I leave the coffee shop, my thoughts are a swirling mixture of exhilaration and anxiety. I know that my obsession with Ophelia has crossed a line, but I can't seem to stop myself. My heart races like wildfire at the mere thought of her – the way her hair falls in soft waves around her face, the curve of her lips when she smiles. It's intoxicating, and I'm powerless to resist its pull.

"Get a grip, Ty. She's yours. You've claimed her." I mutter under my breath, attempting to reign in my spiraling emotions. But deep down, I know that I'm already in too deep. Ophelia has ensnared me completely, and there's no turning back now. Besides, I can't shut off that part of my brain that tells me if she's mine, I should be able to be near her any time I want.

* * *


The sun casts a golden glow on the city as I make my way home, my heart fluttering in my chest. I can't help but feel flattered by Ty's attention. The way his piercing blue eyes linger on me, his gentle yet firm touch when guiding me through our workouts, the way he fucked me during our last workout – it all sends shivers down my spine. And now, he's even showing up at my favorite coffee shop and surprising me with sweet treats. It's like I'm living some kind of fairy tale romance.

As the days go by, Ty's presence in my life becomes more constant. There are texts and calls throughout the day, sometimes even late into the night. At first, I find it endearing, but then Cassie makes a comment about how much Ty and I text and call.

The sunlight streams through the window, casting a golden glow over Cassie's apartment. I can't help but bask in the warmth as I sit on the couch, my phone buzzing in my hand like an impatient bee.

"Ophelia," Cassie says, her blue eyes narrowing as she takes a sip of her green smoothie. "You've been staring at your phone for the past ten minutes. Is Ty blowing up your messages again?"

I glance down at the screen, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of Ty's name lighting it up like a neon sign. His texts range from sweet nothings to sultry suggestions that make my cheeks burn with desire. For someone who started out as my personal trainer, he certainly knows how to push my buttons — both in and out of the gym.

"Um, yeah," I admit, tucking a strand of wavy brown hair behind my ear. "He's just checking up on me."

Cassie arches a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and sets her smoothie down. "Sweetie, there's checking up and then there's smothering. You two have only been together for what, a week? This intensity might not be healthy."

A knot forms in my stomach at her words. Part of me wants to dismiss her concerns – after all, Ty is nothing short of a Greek god with his muscular build, jet-black hair, and piercing blue eyes that seem to see straight into my soul. But another part of me, the part that's always been cautious and hesitant to dive into new experiences, wonders if Cassie has a point.

"Maybe you're right," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "But isn't this what passion is supposed to look like?"

"Passion is one thing," Cassie replies, her face serious. "But obsession is another. I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?"

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Thanks, Cassie. I'll keep that in mind."

My phone buzzes again, and I can't resist glancing at the screen. Ty's latest message reads, "Can't wait to see you tonight, Ophelia. You're like a drug to me – one taste and I'm hooked."

Cassie catches sight of the text and shakes her head. "Just promise me you'll be careful, alright? Love should feel like a warm blanket, not a wildfire threatening to burn everything down."

"Promise," I say, my fingers lingering over the phone as I try to decipher the line between passion and danger. As much as I crave the heat Ty brings into my life, I know I need to be cautious before I end up getting burned.

Taking a deep breath, I let the metaphorical weight of Cassie's words wash over me like the cool breeze that follows a storm. Her unwavering support and positive attitude have always been a beacon of light for me, guiding me through the darkest of times. As I navigate the uncharted waters of my relationship with Ty, I know I can trust Cassie to steer me away from any potential storms.

And that gets me thinking...I can't deny that I enjoy being around him, but the frequency of his unannounced visits and incessant messages...maybe Cassie is right? Maybe I should be feeling suffocated?

"Ty, why have you called me three times today?" I ask him one evening.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, baby," he answers, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Is it a problem that I called?"

"No," I assure him. "I was just wondering. We do text and call each other a lot, don't you think?"

Ty's voice takes on a hint of defensiveness, I just worry about you. That's all," he replies, his voice softening at the end of his statement. It tugs at my heartstrings, but I can't help feeling like something isn't quite right. Cassie's words keep lingering in my ears.

As I lay in bed later that night, the moon casting an ethereal glow through my window, I find myself torn between my growing affection for Ty and the nagging discomfort that shadows his every move. The intensity of his feelings both thrills and frightens me, leaving me teetering on the edge of an emotional precipice.

"Is this what love is supposed to feel like?" I whisper into the darkness, searching for answers within the confines of my own mind. But as I drift off to sleep, the only thing I find is a swirling maelstrom of uncertainty and doubt.

* * *
