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“Do not interfere with this, Axel,” Valter hissed.

When Tessa was kneeling on the floor, Theon slowly sank back into his seat, finally pulling his gaze from hers.

“Must we really discuss Matches days before he is to leave this house?” Cressida asked, continuing their conversation as if nothing had happened. “At least when he has a Match, they will live here.”

“I think it would be wise to discuss potential Matches,” Valter countered. “Many will be at the Acropolis with him. He could get to know them there.”

Tessa could hear the clinking of silverware and glasses as they resumed their meal while she stared at their shoes and legs beneath the table.

Beneath. The. Fucking. Table.

She gritted her teeth as her feet began to fall asleep in her shoes. She shifted so she was sitting, which was no easy task in this dress. Theon’s hand came to her hair, running through the parts of it left down, and the fucking bond hummed in gratitude for his touch. It didn’t care that she was sitting on the floor in humiliation. It only cared that she was touching him, even if it was at his feet.

“I do not think it needs to be discussed anytime soon,” Theon was saying, twining a lock of her hair around his finger. “The law states there can be no Match unions made during a Selection year anyway.”

“That does not mean an arrangement cannot be made and terms agreed to during the year,” Valter answered. “There are three in particular I think would produce acceptable heirs. I can show you their reports tomorrow.”

Theon sighed. “As you wish, Father.”

Plates were removed, and dessert was brought out. Tessa was growing tired and restless, sitting on the floor. Theon playing with her hair was irritating, and she wondered just how long this meal was going to go on.

“Metias and Pavil will arrive tomorrow morning at ten,” Valter was saying. “I want you and Luka at the meeting, Theon.”

“Is that really necessary?” Theon asked, his fingers drifting over the diamond choker at her throat.

“I think it is. We need to get things finalized before you leave for the Acropolis.”

“Everything is already finalized. I know what is expected of me when I get there,” Theon said. His fingers grazed along her skin as he ran them along the choker, and Tessa suddenly saw it for what it was.

A collar.

A very pretty, very expensive collar.

A collar to control her and train her and subdue her. And she wanted it off. It was suffocating her. It was cutting off her air supply, little by little, until there would be nothing left. Until there would be nothing left of her.

The space beneath the table suddenly felt more like she was locked in a cupboard. Her breaths became shallow, and she couldn’t get enough air down. She began to tremble. Her hand flew to her chest as if she could somehow force it to expand to allow more air into her lungs.

Theon went rigid beside her, his hand coming up to her cheek and stroking his thumb along her cheekbone, as if trying to soothe her. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, trying to focus on her breathing, but the necklace at her throat was digging into her skin. She swore it was becoming tighter and tighter. That it wasn’t a collar at all but a noose.

She brought her hands up, trying to find the clasp at the back of the thing. Her hands were shaking, but she needed it off. Theon’s hand landed on hers, and she gripped his fingers, digging her nails into his skin.

“Fine,” Theon said, interrupting whatever his father had been saying. Tessa heard his glass plunk onto the table. “I will be in your study at ten tomorrow.” He stood abruptly, his fingers sliding from her grip. “If that is all for the evening, then I am going to take my leave.”

“You will leave the table with a half full drink?” Valter asked, his voice dangerously low.

“I have liquor in my room and a Source to deal with,” Theon replied. Tessa heard chairs scrape, and from beneath the table, she saw Luka and Axel go to their feet as well.

“I will expect your presence at more family dinners before you go off to the Acropolis,” Valter said.

“Noted,” Theon replied, extending a hand to her. She looked up at him towering over her as she sat on the floor. When she didn’t reach to take his hand, he said, “Come, Tessa.”

Tentatively, she placed her fingers into his waiting palm, and he instantly closed it around them. He pulled her roughly to her feet, his face carefully void of any emotion. Crossing the room quickly, he towed her along behind him, and she nearly tripped in her heels. Luka and Axel trailed behind them.

Theon didn’t slow until they rounded a corner. Then she found herself pushed up against a wall. Theon’s hands were on her face, tilting it up to look at him. “What is wrong? Why are you pale as death?”

Tessa pursed her lips, refusing to meet his eyes. What did he care anyway? He’d made her sit on the fucking ground at his feet while they finished their dinner. She was trembling, but there were so many emotions rippling through her, she couldn’t decide if it was from his closeness, her rage, or her feeling of utter helplessness. Her skin was buzzing, energy that needed to be expelled, and this fucking necklace needed to get off of her throat so she could fucking breathe.

“Tessa,” he demanded, her name an order.

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