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Tessa couldn’t think of anything to say. She was too numb inside. All of that had been for nothing. That had been her last chance at escaping this fate. It had been her last shot at not becoming something to be used, to be drained of her strength and power whenever he wanted. It was her last opportunity to remain who she was and not be lost in who he was.

But all her chances were gone now. He would never give her this opportunity again. Even if she managed to run, the Mark she was about to receive would connect them so he would always be able to find her. She should probably be fearful of what he was going to do to her for the attempted escape, but she simply didn’t care what happened to her. Certainly not now.

“She hasn’t stopped shaking since I found her,” the other Legacy said, slipping his black suit coat off and draping it around her shoulders.

“Has she said anything?” Theon asked, tilting her face towards his to look into her eyes.

“Not a word. She had a phone though,” he answered, leaning his shoulder against the back wall, his hands sliding into his pockets. Theon’s head whipped to him, and the Legacy gave him some kind of frank look. “What do you want me to do?”

“Tessa, are you all right?” Theon said, turning back to her and ignoring his question. Concern filled his features, but it was concern for his source of power, not for her. She knew that.

“Godsdamnit, Tessa,” he swore, moving one hand to grip her chin and hold her in place. “Tessalyn, speak. Are you all right?”

“No,” she answered, the entrancing pulling the word from her lips.

He leaned back to look her over. “Where are you hurt?”

His hands left her face, reaching under the jacket and running down her arms, turning her hands over. He instantly healed a small cut he found on her palm before continuing to check her over. She hardly noticed his hands brushing down her ribs and along her hips, moving her gown aside to check her shins and knees.

“Anywhere else?” he demanded, lifting her leg to check the soles of her feet.

Tessa shook her head wordlessly.

“I don’t think her body is what she was referring to when she said she wasn’t all right, Theon,” the other Legacy offered from his spot against the wall.

Theon stilled, his lips forming a thin line as he lowered her foot back to the ground. He tilted his head up, looking at him. “Get things ready to go. We are leaving as soon as possible when this is done. Tell the Priestess to come here in ten minutes. Be ready.”

He nodded in confirmation, pushing off from the wall, but he hesitated when he got to the door. “You are sure, Theon? There is no going back after this.”

“The decision is already made, Luka. We cannot change the plan now. It will raise questions and draw unwanted attention,” Theon answered, his gaze drifting back to Tessa. She hardly heard what they were saying, staring straight ahead, her fingers clenching and unclenching against the sofa cushions.

The Legacy, who was apparently the aforementioned Luka Mors, nodded once before he left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

“Tessa, you need to change,” Theon said, standing and moving to a small travel bag that was sitting on the small table. He pulled a bundle of clothing from it, bringing them back to her. Setting them on the sofa, he crouched before her again. “Tessa, look at me.” Not wanting to feel the pull of his entrancing again, she dragged her eyes to his. “Do you need help getting changed?”

She shook her head.

“I will step out for two minutes, then I am coming back in,” he said, pushing back to his feet. “Acknowledge that you heard me.”

“I understand, Master,” she said softly, reaching over and running her fingers along the clothing beside her.

He stiffened imperceptibly. “We are not… This is not a formal setting, Tessa.”

She just stared at him, waiting for him to leave so she could change. After a few more seconds, he left the room.

Tessa stood on wobbly legs, the suit coat slipping from her shoulders. She pulled the sleeve of the gown down her arm, working the garment over hips before letting it slip down the rest of her body to pool around her feet. Naked save for her flimsy undergarments, she moved on to the pile of clothing. There was a fresh set of underthings nestled between black leggings and a black long-sleeve shirt made from some of the softest material she’d ever felt. She quickly dressed, just pulling the shirt over her head when Theon came back into the room.

He scooped up the dress from the floor and folded it, carefully placing it back in the bag. “You are going to want to pull your hair back, Tessa.”

“I don’t have any pins or a hair-tie,” she replied quietly.

Theon dug through a side pocket of the bag and produced an elastic band, handing it to her. She didn’t question him. Simply pulled her curled, honey-blonde hair into a high ponytail, quickly securing it.

Theon took the bag to the door, placing it on the floor, and came to stand in front of her once more. He slowly brought his hand to her cheek, pausing as though he expected her to flinch back from him. “I know you feel like you are being forced into this, but—”

“But nothing. I am being forced into this. I am not choosing this. You chose it for me,” Tessa interrupted.

His eyes hardened. “This is what your kind were created for, Tessa. It is in your being to serve the Legacy. Any other Fae would be honored to be in your position.”

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