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With a name like that, looks like theirs, her soft heart, and his profession, the two belong on the cover of some old bodice ripper romance novel. I sigh and sip my champagne, wishing I was anywhere else.

Somewhere like the plane, where I met a mysterious tech guy who intrigued me with intelligence, wit, and humor?

I try to shove those thoughts away. But even as I refuse to think about him, my mind conjures an image of his light brown eyes, his dark hair that was incredibly thick, dark lashes as he studied my face with that trace of a smile that left me feeling warm and keyed up in all the wrong ways.

I'd be lying if I tried to say I didn't feel a spark between us; there was definitely some kind of chemistry there. But I had been too proud to ask for his name or his number, and I'd comforted myself with the thought that we'd never see one another again.

Now, though, I wonder if I'd made a mistake.

Of course, I'd wondered that at the time when we parted ways with a simple smile and an awkward dance side to side trying to pass one another on our way out the gate. But even as I curse myself for letting him go, I also remind myself he's probably just another jerk who would ultimately disappoint me if I gave him a chance.

I don't need any more disappointment or heartache from men. I'll pass, thanks.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a loud cheer from the crowd around me. Startled nearly out of my skin because I'd almost forgotten that I'm in a throng of people milling about a hotel lobby, I look up to see Olivia and her husband cutting the cake. Holding my champagne flute in hand, I bring my index finger to my lips, watching them with a slight smile as I wait for her to smear the cake in his face... or him to push her face into a slice. But they don’t.

No, they both seem perfectly matched as they smile and laugh, cutting the cake as a team in a way that makes me think they’ll face the world much the same way - shoulder to shoulder, ready to take on any challenge. As he pops a bite in her mouth, I watch him smile, then lean in and kiss a tiny smudge of frosting at the corner of her lips, and my heart does a strange little dance.

What would it feel like to have someone care about me like that?

Pushing those thoughts away, I remind myself that I don't need anyone else in my life to be happy. I'm a billionaire, a boss, a leader, a savage. In my industry, I built an empire from scratch, and I don't let anyone stand in my way. I live by my own rules, and I enjoy the single life.

Besides, I've been hurt too many times to want to risk another serious relationship. I've had enough of men who only want my money or my body, or to control me or change me. I don’t need them, the stresses, or headaches they bring into my life... the promise - and disappointment - of love is just not worth the reality of what men have brought into my life.

I promised myself I’d never let any man have any authority over how I live my life, what I do, where I go, or who I see. And I’ve been told that makes me “undateable.” So be it.

My heart doesn't seem to be listening to my head, and I slowly move toward my friend, only to catch sight of Valerie and Raina, two of our other friends since college. And friends I’m much closer to than Olivia, for that matter.

The friends that have stuck together with me through thick and thin. Friends that flashed covert, knowing glances in each other’s directions during the wedding. Friends that silently made it clear they have the same thoughts that I do about Olivia and her new lawyer husband.

Valerie sails in my direction and I think about how she's chronically single and how we bond over our forever-singleness, though we’re a bit divided when it comes to margaritas and day drinking. I'm always down for a hand-steadying shot during the day with particularly difficult business decisions, but she is much more loosey-goosey about drinking - where I need a clear head most of the time.

Her black hair is pulled up into a mass of shining coils at the back of her head and her makeup really brings out the green in her hazel eyes. And her lashes... they’re so naturally long and beautiful women are jealous, and men stop and stare. Of course, men and women alike drool over her, and while she enjoys the attention, she's not looking for a relationship.

She tells me that she's just too picky, but I think she's scared of what might happen in a relationship, just like I am. The last thing either of us need is some man to swoop in, marry us, and claim half of everything as their own when they eventually cheat or break our hearts.

Raina though, she's different. She’s not single by choice, rather, her husband was lost in a tragic accident, and she has no desire to find love again. She's confided in both of us that she found her soulmate and now that she's lost him, there's no one else out there for her. Of course, that's the kind of thing that makes men groan because she’s incredibly beautiful with her green eyes, blonde hair, and killer body that makes her an enemy of certain women.

Once when we’d both had a drink too many, she told me the real truth is that she’s broken and no one can ever love her again, and that statement has stuck with me forever as yet another example of why I don’t want a man. Even the perfect partner will eventually hurt you or let you down, even if what they do is die unexpectedly.

My friends both approach and throw their arms open wide. I mirror their motions with a matching cheesy smile on my face and we hug as a group. Sure, we’d just seen each other at the wedding, but Oliva had seated us apart from one another and we hadn’t gotten to speak much. And months have passed since we saw each other in person. We really need to get better about spending time together, but adult life is so dang hectic.

“Long time no see!” Valerie says sarcastically, and Raina laughs as we pull apart.

“I still can’t believe you came,” Rain says, grabbing my forearm in her hand and squeezing gently as I roll my eyes.

“Not by choice - she made sure to call me and tell me she’d be disappointed if I didn’t come to support her, regardless of my feelings about love.” My tone is still tainted by my distaste for the move she’d made.

Valerie nods as if suddenly everything makes sense - and I don’t doubt it does, now. “Ah, the old you don’t love me if you don’t support the choices I make that you see as mistakes routine. How original.” Her dry tone tells me exactly what she thinks about how Olivia had bullied me into coming.

Still, it's not all bad. I did meet someone interesting on the plane - but I’m not about to tell my friends that.

“Besides, I wouldn't miss Olivia's wedding for the world.”

Raina nods her head, a sly smile on her lips and her eyes narrowing as she leans in close. “Which everyone can tell, because you look like you'd rather be anywhere else.” Humor drips from her tone and I hold back a smile.

“I'm just being a good friend here. Besides, why are you guys here if not to support her bad decisions?” Might as well turn it around on them.

Valerie and Raina glance at one another, then Valerie links elbows with the two of us and leads us toward the bar. “That seems like the conversation to have over a few drinks.”

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