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“Is she okay?” I gesture toward the little girl. I know that I shouldn't engage with Cynthia, but I have to ask that question. I'll never forgive myself if something is wrong and I don’t do everything in my power to help her.

“She's fine, just taking her nap. And yes, she was in the car. The news says don't leave babies in the car alone. She's not a baby.” Cynthia's tone is so sure I don't doubt she believes every word she's saying, but I can't hold back a sarcastic response.

“So toddlers are immune to heat, carjackings, and any bad thing that can happen when they’re alone? Sounds like daycares are about to go out of business.”

She glares at me, as if forgetting for a moment that she's trying to win me over. Like a flip of a switch, her expression changes and she comes at me with a smile dripping with fake sweetness. “So like I was trying to say at the club, I need to talk to you.”

I feel a surge of anger and disgust. I'm frustrated that she keeps popping up into my life uninvited. It bothers me that she acts like nothing is wrong. And how dare she bring her child?

She's a sick individual who can’t handle rejection, and I’m getting really tired of her games. “I want you to leave, Cynthia. I don't want to see you. And we have nothing to talk about.” I try to keep my voice calm and low and as devoid of anger as possible. The last thing I need is for her to claim that I attacked her.

She sticks out her lower lip in a pout and says, “Don't be like that, Michael. I just want to talk to you and introduce you to someone.” She glances down at the little girl. “Someone very, very special. Her name is Grace. She's five years old. And she's your daughter.”

A jolt of shock and disbelief rushes through me. My daughter, what is she talking about? She told me when she was pregnant that she was pregnant with his child. She's lying. There's no way that this is the truth.

“Stop playing games.” I say the words with a little more force than anticipated, and her eyes widen as she takes a step back. “That's impossible, Cynthia, and you know it. You told me six years ago that she was your husband's child. You told me that you cheated on me and got pregnant. You left me and told me to leave you alone and never contact you again.” My fists ball at my side as rage surges through me.

She lifts her shoulders, takes a deep breath, and says, “Well, I lied. I was scared, Michael. I didn't want to lose him. He was rich, powerful, handsome. He offered me everything I ever wanted. A big house, fancy car, a lavish lifestyle. He told me he'd take care of my daughter.” She can't hide the disgust on her face as she speaks. “And you were still dinking around with that little thing you were working on. I couldn't risk my daughter not being cared for, so I went with the person with money and resources. Can you blame me for wanting to make sure she was taken care of?”

My blood boils and it's all I can do to not grab her by the arm and walk her right out the door. Of course, that would leave her child on my couch, which I'm absolutely not comfortable with.

“Besides, he said, he loved me. You never did.”

Those words pierce my heart like an arrow. I did love her. Or at least I think I did. Now that I know who she really is, of course, there's no love in my heart for her. But back then I would have done almost anything for her, and it kills me that she doesn't realize that.

She hesitates, her gaze leaving my face and shifting toward the little girl sleeping on the couch. With a sigh, she continues speaking. “But he lied too.”

Her face goes red, and I wonder what it is she's not sharing.

“How do you know that he lied?” I should know better than to get sucked into whatever cock and bull story she's telling right now, but I genuinely want to know.

“He cheated on me with his secretary and filed for divorce.”

Does she really think I'm going to fall for this story? “So you're coming to me to tell me this child is mine because your husband cheated on you and filed for divorce? Are you worried you're not going to get half the assets?” I can't imagine another reason why she would be coming to me, because she's going to be set for life if what she says is true. A judge would absolutely rule in her favor for cheating. Unless she's lying and she's the cheater, which has my money.

“He only filed for divorce, He said he didn't love me and doesn't want anything to do with Grace. He says that he knew she wasn't his from the start.”

If there's any truth in that line, it might actually prove what she's saying. “Did he get a paternity test?” She shakes her head no, and once again I wonder if I can trust a word out of her mouth.

“No, but she's yours, Michael. I swear it. All you have to do is look at her and you’ll know that she's yours.” I can see the beseeching look in her eyes and hear the pleading in her tone, but I don't believe her for a second.

“So we'll do a paternity test and I'll find out for sure that she's mine.”

I see the color drain from her face as she tries to figure out how to argue with me and tell me we can't do a paternity test. Of course, that tells me everything I need to know about how certain she actually is that this child is mine. If she had no doubts and no fears, she wouldn't try to deny me a paternity test.

A myriad of emotions roll through me; confusion, rage, doubt, guilt. I feel guilty because this child is going to have to go through hell with Cynthia as her mother. I doubt every word out of my ex's mouth. I'm furious that she would play games with the people in her life like this, and I'm confused how she thinks she's going to get away with any of this bullshit.

There's no way that Grace is my daughter.

But even as I tell myself those words, I can't be entirely sure if she was sleeping with both of us at the same time. And then there is a chance. Likely a small chance, but still a chance. And what happens if I find out that this is my daughter? I can't go back in time and undo all of the lost opportunities and time spent together. I'm a stranger to this little girl. How could she ever see me as her dad? And how can I ever come to terms with losing so much time?

I hate Cynthia for putting me through this.

Regardless of whether it's true or not, this is just another manipulation tactic. She's trying to get what she wants, and her daughter is just a pawn in her game, the same way she's always been. It's pathetic and disgusting, and I hate that I'm caught up in the drama.

Still, I don't know what to believe or what to do. I know that Cynthia wouldn't hesitate to use me, just like she uses everyone else in her life.


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