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Five days later...

“I thought you would appreciate this completely clean interface.” Even though the app is still mostly bare bones, I'm walking her through the basics so she can get an idea what my final vision is for the project. Of course, I'm not just doing it to avoid any potential pitfalls or issues; I also want to spend the time with her.

I can't stop thinking about our kiss, or how much I want to kiss her again. Even though she's listening with great interest, I can tell by her eyes that there is something else on her mind. As she listens to me speak, her gaze travels across my features, traces my mouth, and searches my eyes as if she’s seeking answers to a question she didn’t ask out loud.

“I do love the interface,” she says in a low, sweet voice. She's sitting on the couch next to me, leaning in close, her hand resting on my forearm. Her perfume fills my lungs, a sweet tangerine and floral scent that makes my heart race and my body respond in less than professional ways.

Even though she smiles and nods and responds to my words, I can tell she's not really listening. And as I look down at her and notice her gaze go from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes, I'd swear she is silently begging me to kiss her again.

The surge of attraction and nervousness flows through me. It's insane how she somehow makes me feel like a teenager again. I want more than anything to kiss her, but I'm also afraid that it's not the right moment and that I could screw things up by making a move.

I want to kiss her, but what if I’m misreading signals? Any other time I might just go for it without fear of messing things up. But with Moira, I want to do everything right. Not only do I want to do everything right, I don't want her to ever feel like I'm taking advantage of her.

So I clear my throat and try to focus on the app. Turning my phone screen toward her, I show her the simple, elegant interface before touching a button. “In the interest of keeping everything as simple as possible and as user friendly as it can be, I’ve integrated a button layering system.” With the push of a button, the home we’re looking at is stripped down to studs.

She makes an appreciative sound.

“And because we know that everybody thinks a little bit differently there are multiple entry points for any remodel. If you're the type that can only focus on one at a time, do that. If you want to focus on the entire house, that's a possibility too.” In the render, I back up a step and focus on the bathroom, leaving the rest of the house intact.

“I love that,” she says.

“In ways that we can plan the outside of a home, complete with including monetary estimates for each change based on the area they live and whatnot. I also included a clause that people need to check with their HOA before committing to any plans.” I glance down at her again, trying to impart that I'm thinking of every possibility.

“That's smart. I'd hate to get sued because someone uses my app in lieu of permission from their HOA.” Her eyes sparkle as they meet mine, and I see her lips part as she inhales. Her tongue darts out to trace her lower lip, leaving an inviting sheen behind.

“I also thought it might be a good idea to set things up so people can actually buy things directly from your app and you get a kickback for them. It's a neat little way to make some more revenue on the side,” I say.

She inhales. “Oh, that's smart.” I can tell she loves the idea by the way the corners of her lips curve upward and her eyes unfocus as if she’s plotting. “Would have to make it very user friendly, and I'd be happy to give you some kickback from every purchase because you gave me the idea.”

I lift both shoulders. I have nothing against acquiring more easy money, but that’s not a dealbreaker for me. Right now I'm enjoying the challenge of the project she offered me and getting to spend the time with her.

“And you can do that across all items and services from flooring to plants to landscapers to electricians or plumbers.” Of course, if we're going to do this, we might as well do it right. “And that extra revenue... you’re not listening,” I say, interrupting myself.

She's still staring at me with that soft, warm expression, and her eyes are begging me for something.

She flinches slightly as if caught, and then shakes her head and says, “You’re right. I’m not.” She pauses for a moment, then softly adds the words, “I’m sorry.”

But she doesn't look sorry. She looks like she would be completely happy if we stopped talking about this app right now and did something else instead. As if reading my mind, she leans in closer, closing the gap between us.

Her breath tickles my ear as she whispers, “Can I kiss you?”

My pulse leaps and excitement thrums through my veins, but I don't hesitate. I turn my head slightly and meet her lips with mine. She's soft and sweet and delicious. Our mouths fit perfectly together, and I inhale the sweet cinnamon fire flavor of her breath. She’s perfect. She’s mine.

The kiss starts gentle, but quickly heats up. A moment later, she's tugging my shirt, untucking it from my slacks and I’m cupping her face in both hands, holding her captive. In an instant I forget about the app, the fact that we're supposed to be working, and the details I want to share. Instead, I focus on her kiss, her hands trying to free me from the confines of my clothing, and the raging desire within me. The connection between us won't be denied any longer and I scoop her up, stand, and carry her toward the bedroom, my lips still on hers.

Moments later we’re falling into my bed and her hands find my hair, holding onto me as I kiss her, pressing her down into the bed with my weight. Pulling my shirt up over my head, I toss it aside, noticing how her gaze locks on my body and her hands reach out as if to touch before I lower on her again, claiming her lips once more.

Her hips tilt into me, her body begging me for more as our tongues dance around one another.

“Michael? What the hell are you doing?”

My whole body freezes. I know that voice.

I stop kissing Moira and instead press my forehead to hers. Maybe if I pretend Cynthia isn't here, she'll disappear. And what the heck is she doing in my house? How did she get in here?

“Don't ignore me, Michael.” There's a not-so-subtle threat and anger in her voice as she speaks. Internally stealing myself, I back off of Moira and stand up. Turning to face Cynthia, who's standing in the doorway, her face twisted with rage, I let out a frustrated sigh.

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