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“I don't know that it ever will be, but I do like her a lot.” I don't want to tell him that we click or tell him about my doubts or fears or feelings. I don't want to tell him anything that matters for the simple reason that if anything goes wrong I don't want to have to explain that I screwed up.

“You know you can always bring her to Club Red. That place has changed a lot.” He gives me a sideways glance and I know for a fact that he's had a hand in the changes around the place. I also know that the club has changed ownership and things are different, but I don’t know that I can go back there and face old memories.

“Thank you for the invitation.”

As I speak, I realize he's not done talking, so I let him finish. “We're celebrating the engagement there tonight, and you’re invited and welcome to come. But I understand if you don’t.”

I'm not really sure how to respond to that. Maybe I need to loosen up and show up, if for no other reason than to be there for my friend.

“I don't think so. The club really isn't my thing anymore.”

He nods his head in understanding. “I get it, but think about it, okay? I'd love to see you there.” I like that he can both tell me that he respects and understands my choice, but that he'd like to see me there. “Have a good night, brother.” With another pat on my shoulder, he slides off his barstool and heads for the door as the crowd around me celebrates.

I just said I'd rather be anywhere but here, so I pay for my drinks before heading out. Calling for an UBER, I head home, knowing I can send someone to pick up my car later. Thankfully, my driver doesn't seem to want to make small talk and we make the trip in silence, though she keeps glancing at me in the rearview mirror like she wants to say something. Thankfully, she chooses not to tell me whatever’s toying with the tip of her tongue and when she pulls up to my place I get out, tip her, and rate her five stars for the exemplary service.

As I let myself into my home, I feel my phone buzz and pull it out of my pocket to see a message from Moira.

I hope you're having a good day. I have a favor to ask you. Can you give me a call when it’s convenient?

There's something so professional, cold, and removed about the message that my heart sinks. What could she possibly want to ask me?

I lock the door behind me and decide I might as well just make the call now. So I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring.

“Hi, Michael. Thanks for calling.” She sounds like she's all business and I find myself slightly confused.

“No problem, Moira, what's up?” I keep my voice casual and cool, but I'm absolutely dying to know what favor she wants from me and why her tone sounds so different.

“I need to ask you for a favor.” She hesitates for a moment, ordering her thoughts and trying to decide how to ask me for what she wants. “So I have this company that offers 3D modeling plans for clients. I have all the software and everything, but I'm wondering if you'd be able to compress it into a mobile app.”

I inhale a deep breath, while aware that she's asking is no simple favor.

“I'm willing to pay you your going rate, of course, and a bonus because I know the enormity of what I’m asking.” Judging by her quick words and the serious edge of her tone, she does truly understand the enormity of what she's asking.

“It's not exactly what I do, but I can consult a few business acquaintances and see what I can do to help.” I’m happy to assist.

“I just figured that I can trust you and it might be fun to work together.” That playful note in her voice is back.

Work... together? Even as I'm surprised by her thought that we would work together, I'm also surprised that she's willing to pay my going rate without even asking me how much that might be, which tells me that she is very well off. I can only assume that working together means that she wants to learn everything possible, and that leaves me impressed with her, more so than I was before, even. Which is no small feat.

It’s funny that learning that she’s successful, ambitious, and a visionary doesn't change my perception of her, but leaves me more impressed. I also find it incredible how much we share in common. “Thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to working together with you.” All I have to do is remind myself that this isn't a chance to impress her on a romantic level. I'm going to do my best work because that's who I am. I'm not going to try to win her over. Plus, I love a challenge.

“So when can we start?”

I'm a little bit stunned by her eager impatience. I glance at my watch and see that it's almost nine PM. “It's pretty late tonight. How about tomorrow?” As a general rule, I try not to work late at night or after I've been drinking, both of which are true tonight.

She doesn't seem to like my reasonable, practical request and sighs on the other end of the line. “I was hoping we could start tonight.”

I let out a chuckle. “Some things can't be rushed and done well.”

“You're right. I'm just excited.”

“I am too. But anything worth doing is worth doing right.”

“In all honesty, I was also looking forward to seeing you again.”

At her words, a surge of warmth fills my chest. “You don't need an excuse like work to come visit me. You're welcome anytime.” As soon as I extend the invitation, I wonder if it's too much, too soon, but it’s too late to take the words back.

“I'll meet you at your place in twenty minutes.” There's almost breathless quality to her voice as she speaks.

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