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“Don't pretend like you're not pathetic, miserable, and lonely.”

I think about Moira. “Actually, I'm not.” The truth is, I'm not even lying. She seems to sense something shift between us, but I’m done. “Now it's time for you to go before I call the cops. And take that with you.” I gesture at the watch on the ground.

She doesn't pick it up on her way to the door, and I pause, putting my heel on the gift. With a quick shift of my weight, I revel in the sound of breaking glass. With that, I stoop down and pick up the bag, well aware she’d watched me break the expensive gift she’d given me so long ago.

“You're a terrible person, Michael.”

“For your words to mean anything, I'd have to value your opinion first - I don’t.” I open the front door and toss the bag toward where I assume she parked.


I glance up at the new voice, my heart sinking. There, in the drive, Moira stands, her gaze darting back and forth between me and Cynthia. I can see the hurt blossom there and wonder if I'll be able to fix this.

Of course, Cynthia is not at all about to let anything go. She walks up to Moira, stoops, and picks up the watch. “This is the Michael you need to expect,” she says while opening the bag. She pulls out the busted watch and waves it in front of Moira, who glances at me with a look of disbelief.

“Looks like you’re bleeding there,” Moira says to Cynthia, gesturing at her finger before making her way toward me. “Bad time, sorry,” she says, shifting her weight to the side as if to give me a better view of Cynthia over her shoulder. “I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by. I apologize. I clearly messed up.” With both thumbs, she points over her shoulder. “I'm just going to go now.”

Chapter Seven


After sending me a message that it was an emergency, my mom had been completely unavailable all night and the next morning until I’d sent over a really nice officer to do a wellness check on her.

Then she had been upset that I sent a police officer to my house because of course she had. I'm absolutely in the wrong for having somebody check to make sure she's okay after she tells me there's an emergency and then stops answering her phone.

I'd hoped to blow off some steam with Michael, but even that doesn't seem like it’s panning out as I glance from him to the woman on his doorstep. She seems like a bit of a mess and completely unhinged as she clutches a broken man’s watch with a big drop of blood forming on one finger where she’d clearly cut it on the broken glass watch face as I scoot past and head for my car feeling awkward over the whole exchange.

“Moira!” I can hear Michael jogging up behind me, and I turn to face him in the driveway. Over his shoulder I can see her and know that she's hanging on every word he says, which only makes me more uncomfortable. “I don't want you to leave. Are you willing to stay?”

There's something so earnest and honest in his light brown eyes I feel myself wavering. I want to stay. I just don't want to contribute to whatever drama is currently going on in his life. My gaze drifts to the woman over his shoulder. Namely, whatever drama she's bringing into things.

I focus on his eyes again. “Are you sure that's a good idea?” His shoulders are squared and his position is upright, but I sense he’s aching inside in spite of this strong front he presents. Whatever that woman did, she did a number on him. “I really am sorry for just dropping by. I should have known it was a bad idea.”

He gently plants his hands on my shoulders, ducking his head to look deeper into my eyes. “It was a good idea and I'm glad you're here.” Something in the desperate way he says the words tells me that me showing up is the only thing that stopped whatever was happening from escalating. There's still tension in the air, and she seems unwilling - or unable - to leave.

I’d really hoped that coming over would be the start of something special, and now I'm starting to think that I might have been more right than I ever anticipated. I mean, how often does a girl get to save a guy from a bad situation?

“I'd be happy to stay.” I say the words with every ounce of conviction I feel.

His eyes light up and his excitement is palpable. “Come on in.” With that, he puts an arm around my shoulder and carefully guides me past his obviously internally fuming ex and into the house. A quick glance at her as we walk by tells me she has no idea how to handle this situation or what to do or say, but she is very angry and unhappy that I’m here. Fine. Screw her. She seems like a bitch anyway.

Once the door is firmly closed behind us, I turn to him. “I take it she's an ex of yours.”

He makes a beeline for a bar with a nod of his head as he pours us both a drink. “Thankfully, she is an ex of mine.” The way he says ex sounds more like a curse. I feel for him in that moment – it sounds like she put him through the ringer.

“She seems like a treat.” It's good to know I'm not the only person dealing with difficult people in my life. I'm still pretty upset that my mom's so-called emergency was an attempted intervention. Apparently I work to the point of addiction and need someone to intervene.

I don't have the heart to tell her that I work so that I don't ever have to worry about falling into the same situation she was the entire time I was growing up. I'll never rely on anyone - or be their slave - because I can rely on myself.

“I am sorry you had to meet my ex, Cynthia, and I'm sorry you had to meet her that way.” Michael hands me the glass, and I quickly down the amber liquid inside.

“I'm not really all that worried about it. I know you have a past before me.” It's silly to think in today's day and age, he wouldn't have had his heart broken more than once. And given my experience with dating people, I can only assume he's had the same bad luck. Otherwise, he'd be married and happy right now, right?

But my understanding words seem to hit him hard as a slight smile curves the corners of his lips. “Spoken like a woman who truly understands the dating scene in today's world.”

I nod my head. “I also understand women like Cynthia.” I'm certain I knew her at first glance. No doubt she's a gold digger, never done anything for herself, likely cheated in the relationship, and now regrets her actions and wants Michael back. Typical basic bitch stuff and nothing I’m not fully prepared to wade through to date him, if we decide that’s the route we want to take.

Still, as I think about it, I remember how things had been with the boyfriend I’d had before Ryan. Richard... he sure was a dick. He’d sworn they were just friends, that she was just his ex, that he wasn’t interested in her... all lies.

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