Page 2 of Gauntlet

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As Tinsley screeched, I packed my bags and shook my head at how little stuff I had there. The rest was in a locker because, according to Tinsley, ‘it did not fit with the home she was building.’ Fuck her, fuck my friends and fuck everyone.

Angrily, I stormed downstairs, hit my truck, and began backing out of the drive.

Tinsley came to the door and ran after me; her piercing voice followed, but I didn’t glance back.

Fuckin’ screw everything.

Chapter One.

11th July 2021 - Drake

I rushed into the ER and found it swarming with cops and Rage. Gunner was at my side before I even fully entered.

“Axel?” I barked.

“Take a breath,” Gunner said, and I straightened my shoulders and prepared for the worst. Gunner’s tone was off, to say the least.

“How bad?” I snarled in a low voice.

“Axel’s in surgery. He is stable, but the bullet pierced his spine and caused damage. The doctors are saying he may face paralysis. But he’s fuckin’ stable and alive,” Gunner replied firmly.

With no awareness, my legs slid out from under me. Gunner and Lowrider cursed and leapt forward to offer support. I felt the blood drain from my face.

“He’s gonna be paralysed?” I whispered. That big booming mountain would never suffer that. Axel would stop fighting and give up.

“We don’t know. Doc Paul came out and explained. He said the bullet hit Axel’s spine and ricocheted. There is damage to his nervous system, and they are trying to tell how much, but there’s obvious swelling. We’ve got to wait. The best are in with him,” Lowrider replied.

Shit, I felt the emotion flowing from Rage. Our founder had been targeted. Axel being in a wheelchair didn’t seem a real possibility.

“If he’s going to be caged, maybe it’s best…” I said and shook myself as Gunner glowered.

“That’s stupid talk. Axel may be caged, but I’d still rather have him.”

“Ellen?” I asked.

“She’s here with the old ladies. They got her surrounded, and Cowboy and Wild are on their way. They’ve been told Axel’s injured, but they don’t know how bad. You gotta be strong and be the one to tell them,” Apache announced, approaching.

“Fuck, we just got Wild back,” I growled, worried the kid might jump straight off the rails again.

“That’s why Linda’s already here. She’ll keep him balanced,” Apache replied.

“Nando?” I asked, remembering the other victims as I observed the cops. My gaze lit upon Andrew Howser, the Chief of Police, and I noted how drawn he looked.

“He’s in surgery. Hawthorne has been notified.”

“Dan Horton?” I questioned.

“Dan’s critical alongside Nando. The bullet severed his spine, and he took one to the chest. They’re fighting on two fronts to save his life,” Apache answered.

“Bobby Lucas?” I asked.

“Not a scratch. He is on scene, refusing to leave…” Lowrider said, and his voice faded. The last name was one I didn’t want to utter. Didn’t wish to believe he was dead.

“Justin Goldberg?” I whispered.

“Declared dead on scene. Bullet took him through the head. Nothing could have been done. He shoved himself in front of Nando,” Gunner finally replied.

Grief hit me. Fuck, Justin had been a decent guy and a great cop.

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