Page 15 of Gauntlet

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“Gran, did he hurt you?” Gauntlet growled as Brute scrambled and ran to his own house.

“No,” Mrs Jepson answered.

“Chas shoved her,” I said at the same time. The air around me thickened as pissed-off vibes hit me.

“Asshole laid hands on you?” Gauntlet asked, and I heard the threat in his voice.

“Chas tried slapping Julie and then attacked her. Julie grabbed Chas by the balls and held him prisoner for a few minutes, though. That was a pretty nice move.” Mrs Jepson nodded her head.

“Let me go now,” I said, yanking at my arm again. “It’s obvious I wasn’t a part of this!”

Savage still didn’t release me as Gauntlet stared at me, confused and amused at the same time.

“You stood my Gran up for dinner and yet come to her defence?” Gauntlet questioned, and I felt myself reddening.

“No decent person would stand by and watch a woman get hit. Let alone an elderly one,” I replied.

“Hey, not so much of the elderly. Middle-aged, thank you, Julie,” Mrs Jepson said, and I watched Gauntlet roll his eyes.

“Lex, can you take Gran inside, please,” Gauntlet ordered, gaze firmly focused on me. It was hard not to squirm.

“Gauntlet, I’m not going nowhere,” Mrs Jepson argued.

“Wanna bet?” the guy called Lex replied, sweeping her off her feet. Mrs Jepson mock shrieked and then giggled.

Gauntlet ran a hand down his face.

“Gran did that on purpose, Lex,” he said, sighing.

Mrs Jepson offered Gauntlet a cheeky wave as she was carried away.

“What happened? And don’t lie. Gran will try to downplay it, but you owe me the truth,” Gauntlet growled.

“How the hell do I owe you anything?” I demanded, outraged. I’d gone to his gran’s aid, and yet I was the one in trouble? Not likely!

“Just say what the fuck went down,” Gauntlet snarled, and I considered my choices. Then I decided that if I told him everything, I’d be able to escape into my home.

Ten minutes later, I was safely behind the gates and in the kitchen making a camomile tea. Simone recommended it as a calming drink, and I certainly needed it now. My temper was up because of how Gauntlet had spoken to me. And because I lived four doors away from a man who believed he had the ultimate right to hit women. Didn’t need to be his own wife. Any woman was free game, according to that asshole. Of course, even hitting his wife was a crime, but the audacity of Chas to think he could hit me and I was a stranger.

Shit, it was very clear that I’d have to be careful of the raging maniac. The thought of Chas running around made me feel sick. Men like him gave every man a bad name. Brutish, callow, uncouth, a bully, oh yeah, this Chas was a prime example of a walking asshole. But that also meant Chas couldn’t be predicted, and he was dangerous.

My burner phone rang from the room I was using to work from, and I rushed towards it and unlocked the drawer and hit reply.

“Are you okay?” Butch asked.

“You know what just occurred?”

“Yes. You’re meant to be staying low. Luckily, that man won’t do anything.”

“Chas was shouting and shoving an elderly lady. No decent person would stand by and watch that,” I answered, feeling guilty.

“Shit’s done now. Just stay out of sight. Now some shit has happened, and we need to move the package. Simone will bring it to you tonight,” Butch said.

I forgot to breathe, and my mind whirled. No way was I ready for this.

“Breathe!” Butch roared, and my lungs drew in a gasping breath.

“I’m not ready…” I forced out.

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