Page 7 of Delayed in Venice

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It is standing at attention, bobbing in time with his heartbeat. His cock is straight and narrow, with a pretty pink tip glistening with pre-cum. I can’t wait to have it and his smooth balls in my mouth. But before I can worship his cock I need to pinken his skin with my belt.

I remove my jeans, and David extends his neck, opening his mouth to swallow me down. His tongue licks my balls as I lower myself towards him.

His moans fill the air as soon as he closes his mouth around my balls, the vibrations running down my shaft, and I lift the belt and strike his thighs, leaving red streaks in my wake, strong enough to warm his skin but not to bruise or mar him.

His moans grow louder, and he lifts his ass into the air as if he is chasing the leather. Once each thigh has two stripes, I let the belt fall to the floor and lift my balls from his warm, wet mouth.

His tongue chases me, and he’s rewarded with my cock, which he covers in soft licks and butterfly kisses. I tug on his tight nipple, and he groans long and loud before opening his mouth and sucking me in.

It’s obscene how his cheeks and lips need to open to take me in, and I grunt in pleasure at seeing him sucking me and feeling the heaven of his mouth.

“That’s it, my Prince. Suck my cock.”

David’s small dick is throbbing, and a long, thin string of pre-cum is dripping onto his abdomen. I groan at the sight, and with a final twist on his nipples, I pull out and lean down to kiss his swollen lips.

Our tongues duel as I taste David’s desperation and need on my lips. Dominating the kiss, I let my hands roam over his abdomen, hips, and down his heated thighs. Feeling his muscles contract under my fingertips, I need to taste my man somewhere else.

I stride towards his feet and tug his legs apart to reveal his perfectly round cheeks, and in one move, I swallow his cock in my mouth and lick the pre-cum from his slit. Loving the sweet taste, I suck harder, wanting more.

Massaging his length in my mouth, I trace my fingers over his tight balls until I graze his puckered entrance.

Looking up, I can see David’s fists opening and closing, he’s trying to stop from coming, and his glazed blue gaze is begging me to let him come—all in good time, but not until I’m ready.

Using my tongue, I swirl it around his cock, which is straight, swollen, glistening, and gorgeous. I want to suck him off, drown in his cum down my throat, but I need to be inside him more.

I take a step back and gaze at all that is mine.

The most precious thing in my life.


My Prince.

Flushed, aroused, and so attuned to me and my needs. His eyes widen when he sees me descend onto my knees. I don’t often take this position, but I need to show him that I deserve his submission and trust.

I lift his legs over my shoulders and push them back until he’s bared before me, his smooth pink ass, balls, and cock—all mine.

I extend my tongue and lick him from ass to balls, alternating between licking his puckered entrance and sucking on his smooth balls until David is writhing on my tongue and begging me to come.

“Sir… please! I need to come. Please, let me come.”

“Don’t you want my cock in your ass, my Prince?” I ask, my tone smooth. I’ve found my centre again, being this close to my love. This is his choice, I can have him come now, in my mouth, or he can be full of me when he does.

“Sir! Fuck me. Fuck me now. Pleeeeaaaassseeee.”

“Always, my Prince,” I say, standing up and running my engorged cock over his wet, winking entrance. His hips jerk in his impatience.

I take hold of his thighs, demanding his attention. “You will only come when I say you can. Do you understand?” My voice is gruff and unyielding. He needs my dominance, and needs to let go of his own control to truly revel in his pleasure.

“Ye- Yes, Sir,” he stammers. His need to come is palpable. Luckily for him, I know I won’t last long inside his tight ass as it grips my shaft.

I drag his hips up and thrust inside in one motion, pulling his body up the table. His back arches, and he takes every hard thrust I give him. His eyes are trained on mine, never breaking contact, waiting for my permission to let go and come.

Seeing his cock bounce with every thrust, his skin flushed in pleasure, and his blue eyes blazing, imploring me to allow him to come, pushes me over the edge. “Come for me, my Prince,” I groan as I erupt.

He gasps, his body writhing, cum shooting in thick ropes over his tight abdomen, and I brace my legs as I watch my man climax, his face twisted in exquisite pleasure.

I grip his hip tighter as I use my other hand to gather his cum on my fingers and swallow his salty-sweet essence. The taste of his cum on my tongue triggers another release, and I savour the feeling of his sheath contracting around my coming cock. Only once he closes his eyes, his body lax and like putty in my hands, do I pull out.
