Page 24 of Delayed in Venice

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Carefully, I pull the two halves apart, and Jon helps by placing the top piece out of harm’s way on the side table before he takes the golden box and gets down onto one knee.

Looking at me, Jon opens it—showcasing a stunning golden band with diamonds glittering in the light.

Wait … it looks like my necklace. The one Jon gave me for our first anniversary. The one I don’t leave the house without. Wearing it makes me feel loved and protected—owned and cherished. Now I have an engagement ring to go with it!

I can’t stop looking at the ring, wanting it on my finger, when I hear Jon’s soft baritone voice. “David Reese Jones, I have been in love with you for the past three years. You have been my rock and my soft place to fall. I do not want to imagine a future without you sharing it with me. I promise no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than I will. I love you with everything I am, and you will make me the luckiest man on this Earth if you say yes this Christmas.”

“YES! Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!” I exclaim, punctuating every word with a kiss. “I want to be your husband forever!” I say before kissing Jon, spilling all the love and happiness in my heart into the kiss … our first forever kiss.




I exhale, long and deep. I didn’t realise I’d been holding my breath as I waited for David to say yes or no. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on David’s face, the love in his eyes when I asked him to become mine forever.

The words had come from my heart. It wasn’t the romantic speech I’d been practising. I’d had this proposal planned to a T and practised my speech driving to work and in the shower. But when it had come time to say the words, my heart had taken over.

My rehearsed poetic words of love and devotion are lost now, but maybe I can incorporate them into my wedding vows? All that matters now, though, is David and getting my ring on his finger.

“Let me put it on, baby. I want to see you in nothing but your engagement ring,” I say as I slip the ring out of the velvet-lined box and slide it onto David’s ring finger.

It fits perfectly, sparkling in the light from the tree and reflecting in David’s eyes as he looks at it.

Tears are glinting on his lashes, and I lean forwards and kiss first the ring on David’s finger and then each tear from his cheeks before I weave my fingers into David’s hair and pull him closer until our lips meet, tongues tangle, and breaths merge.

Needing to be closer to him, I stand, and David wraps his arms around my shoulders and rises with me. Standing close, I slide my hands down David’s sides and slowly lift the t-shirt from his body, leaving a trail of kisses over his chest. Pulling it free and over his head, I kiss him.

I love how desperate David is, his hands roaming and scratching my back, needing to get closer.

But this morning, I need something else from him. The first time I’m having sex with my fiancé will be slow, delicious, and unforgettable.

“Slow down, my Prince. I’m going to make you feel good,” I coax, my voice deep and commanding as I lower my hands to the waistband of David’s boxers. Needing to see David in nothing but my ring. Nothing but the symbol of my love and devotion.

At my instructions, David calms, and his movements become less frantic, giving all his control to me. And I crave David’s submission and treasure his trust in me.

Once David’s perfectly bronzed body is bare before me, bathed in the Christmas tree's warm, flickering red, green, and yellow lights, I look my fill. Take my time roaming his eyes over David’s pretty cock, standing erect with a small pearl of excitement on the tip, nipples hard and needing attention, eyes dark and drenched in desire.

I know I need to stay in control. I want to make this the best sex we’ve ever had. I’m determined to show David how good we are together. It’s a compulsion, feels almost primal, this need to dominate him and cherish him at the same time.

“Lay down, my Prince. I want to see you work that small cock with my ring on,” I order, not moving from my spot because I need to keep a tight leash on my control. My emotions are chaotic. I want to fuck David hard and fast, claiming and conquering him. But I also want this first time to last, drag out the pleasure we give each other.

David has other plans, though. He doesn’t do as I command. Instead of lying on the couch, he moves forward and drops to his knees before me. Locking our gazes defiantly, he removes my boxers and unleashes my dick.

I remember the first time David saw my cock—his eyes had glazed over and doubled in size; he’d licked his lips like he couldn’t wait to get a taste of me. I know I’m well-endowed, but thinking of David’s reaction is still one of my favourite memories.

David was the first man to ever give me a blowjob, and I was determined to make him the last, too.

“Still obsessed with my dick, baby?” I husk as I feel David lick the tip of my cock before taking the crown into his hot, wet mouth. I groan when I hear and feel the vibrations of David’s murmured yes around my dick.

David sucks me off like a pro, and as I look down at his hands on my hips, I watch the light glint on the diamonds on the gold band—I pull away, on the verge of coming down David’s throat, and that is not how I will be coming the first time we have sex after David said yes—I will be filling his perfect ass.

I move onto the wide leather couch. My cock bobs against my abs as I face the Christmas tree. “Get your sexy ass over here, my Prince.”

Finally listening to me, David replies, “Yes, Sir,” and lies down and stretches out next to me, our cocks rubbing and gliding over each other. I take possession of his firm ass as soon as he’s close enough, squeezing and massaging his perfectly round behind. David latches onto my lips and kisses me like a man possessed while his hand trails down my chest towards my cock.

David’s hand closes around both of our dicks, and rotating his hips, he creates glorious friction between our two bodies. Straining and moving in an impatient dance, I know exactly what David needs.
