Page 8 of Stone King

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“This is so great,” Kat said. “I’m starving and it smells delicious in here.”

“I didn’t even eat the peanuts on the plane,” I said. “My last meal was a bowl of cereal hours ago.”

Amanda soon returned with our meals. “Enjoy,” she said as she set down our plates.

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m sure we will.”

I leaned over my plate, practically drooling as the delicious aroma wafted up to my nostrils. Judging by the scent, the dish was perfect, with just the right herbs and spices.

I picked up my fork and started to poke at the dish, looking at the components as the other students had. “I’m sure that we could learn a lot just from eating here.”

Kat nodded as she took a bite of her dish.

“Have you had a chance to check out your schedule yet?” Kat said.

Taking a small bite of my dish, I shook my head then reached into my purse to pull it out. “I hope we have a few classes together.”

I flattened out the sheet of paper on the table and turned to try to read it, but suddenly felt something warm and wet over my shoulder.

Startled, I sat back and looked at the thick red tomato sauce that was streaming down my shoulder and over my beautiful summer dress. Before I had time to fully realize what was happening, I felt the same heat and moisture over my head.

Confused, I looked up at Kat who stared at me with wide eyes, then looked to my right to see Axel standing there with an empty plate in his hand.

“Oops,” he said.

It took me a moment to compute what had happened. It all seemed so impossible, so unlikely, yet there I was, my golden hair stained with tomato sauce and my pretty dress ruined.

But before I could respond, an Axel lookalike stumbled over to Kat and dropped his place of spaghetti all over her.

Kat and I stared at one another then looked up to the two guys standing at our sides. The two men burst out laughing, holding their guts from the intensity of their amusement.

“Not so hot looking now, are you?” Axel said.

The lookalike glared directly at Kat. “And you’re hanging out with this country hick? What the fuck?”

“Don’t waste your time with her, Kobe,” Axel said. “The important thing is that we teach this loser a lesson.” He turned to look down at me, a pleased grin on his face. “This is just a friendly little reminder that we, here at the academy, expect everyone to be on time, all the time. Lateness will not be tolerated.”

Fuming, I sat there a moment, trying so desperately to collect my thoughts.

“Nothing to say, hicky?”

I stood and faced him. Damn. How could someone who looked so good, so charming and pleasing to the eyes be so ruthless and cruel?

But there were no words, just action. I raised my hand to him, prepared to slap him once again. But this time he anticipated my move.

He caught my hand in his and I was immediately struck by the surprising electric shock that went through me. His touch was warm, even hot, and it sent a strange jolt of pleasure throughout my body, despite the ugliness of his gesture.

“Tsk. Tsk, little country girl,” Axel whispered, his voice suddenly so deep and husky. He stepped closer while still gripping my hand in his. “Do you really think that slapping a member of the staff will leave you in good standing here? Look around you, peasant. I’m a prince here and you’re nothing.”

My heart raced. Damn, how I hated the effect he was having on me. While the hold he had of my hand was harsh, I could have sworn that I’d sensed a light caress of his thumb over my skin.

For a moment, our gazes locked. He stood so close that I could smell his breath, his sweet and enticing breath.

“Don’t ever try to raise your hand to me,” he warned, his eyes suddenly shifting to something harder. “Or I just might have to break that delicate little hand of yours.”

He let go of me, suddenly filled with disdain as he took a step back. “You look like something the cat dragged in,” he said with disgust. “Go hose yourself off.”

He turned to Kobe, slapped him in the gut with the back of his hand. “Come on. I’ve had enough of that barn stench in here.”
