Page 75 of Stone King

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I put down my phone as I read the breaking news. New York Chef Erica Babette was dead.

Closing my eyes, I held back tears. The tears that I’d been shedding since I found out about Axel’s continued assault from that woman, for years. For years! How could I not know? How could Errol not known?

Erica Babette seemed so friendly, so good with children. Being young parents, especially a first time mother, I was desperate for some help with child care. But I’d never sacrifice my child’s innocence for it. How fucking dare that bitch. That monster for what she did to my boys.

My dear Axel. He would never be abused again. Not by her, that molester. That monster! Erica Babette was gone.

Axel can lay his nightmares to rest. That woman who had abused our trust in her, had misused her authority as a caretaker even temporarily, would never again harm another young child.

How dare anyone harm not only a child’s body, but mind to the extent the child would be traumatized for life. Especially my Axel. And when I thought about how Kobe was in her care, too, it made me shuddered.

Thank God, that woman was gone.

Like everyone else who read the breaking news on the internet and through social media, I was surprised. Just a bit, but not much.

Like I thought. They attributed that monster’s death to the high crime rate happening in New York City at the moment. The increased homicide rate, lack of law enforcement, and criminal prosecution. There wasn’t even an investigation into her death. My how times have changed.

That was why when you wanted justice, and there was no longer a system for it, you do something about it.

I always believed that justice would be served when you take matters into your own hands when the people who was supposed to be protecting innocents had turned a blind eye to crime.

So when it comes to protecting your loved ones, especially your kids, a mother’s got to do what a mother’s got to do.

Now that Axel had have his traumatic breakdown, it made me worry about Kobe, too. Kobe was more laid back than Axel. He had always been more sociable, and not as serious as Axel, but from the phone call I had from Axel earlier, it seemed that Kobe was acting strange, like he was on drugs or something.

Axel told me Kobe apparently was gone all the time Axel was ill. Layla had stepped in to check on Axel instead, which was why she was over at Axel’s all that time.

Thank God. It brought her closer to Axel. I smiled. Axel had never talked about a girl in the kind of tone as he did about Layla. He was definitely in love. Axel was like his father Errol. So much like him that he wouldn’t recognize love until he’d almost lost it.

Errol almost lost my love with all the dumb, stubborn foolish things he did. Such an alpha male, Errol was sexy as hell and just as cocky, but dense when it came to true love.

Apparently his son Axel was that way too. Thank God Layla stuck with him. Tough smart women like us were exactly the kind that could tame the Kings.

Now was Kobe King just like his brother and father or was his strange troubling behavior something else? Whatever it was, this begs for a trip back to California to see how my other twin boy was doing.

Because something tells me Kobe may be hiding a secret even darker than Axel’s.

