Page 70 of Stone King

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But as time wore on, Axel would throw a fit every time there was even the prospect of her watching over them. I’d shrugged it off. I guess it’d suited me at the time. On days when I was busy and needed a helping hand, I simply forced the boys to accept my decision. I justified my actions, despite Axel’s plaintive whines. He's just a capricious little boy... he’s just shy... he’s uncomfortable with girls... he’s uncomfortable with women.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but I never, ever, in my wildest dreams thought that this was going on.


“TARYN?” ERROL ASKED, touching my arm. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head, remembering where I was. I was at Axel and Kobe’s house near the culinary academy Errol and I had opened and had our twin sons run. Axel and Kobe were a bit young to manage an entire academy, but Errol insisted that they get thrown into management so they can have a head start running the King businesses.

At first I thought Axel had collapsed due to the immense pressure and stress he was under, but now I knew it was more, and I was damn worried.

“I’m going to go up to see him,” I suddenly blurted out as I got to my feet. “I want to see how he’s doing.”

Layla nodded. “He was awake just a few moments ago. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

I headed up the stairs and walked into my son’s bedroom. He suddenly looked so small and frail in that bed like he did when he was a little boy. Suddenly images of the sweet little boy he’d been repeatedly played in my mind since hearing of his possible trauma. My heart was breaking as I looked at my poor little Axel.

“How are you feeling, Ax?” I said.

“Happy to see you, Mom,” he said with a tired smile. “Really happy to see you.”

“What’s all this about?” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed. “Fever... sleeping for days. What’s going on with you?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. The stress of it all got to me, I guess.”

I chuckled softly as I reached out to pat the back of his hand. “You guess, huh.”

“Are you going to be in town for long?”

I had planned on staying for a while, but with this new information, my need to see Erica Babbette in person suddenly took precedence over everything.

“I’d love to, honey,” I said. “But there’s someone in New York that I have to see.”

“Oh?” Axel said. “Are you going to go see Grandma?”

“No.” Although my mother lived in New York City and my family was from there, my present state of mind didn’t allow for a friendly visit with anyone.

“Uncle Bobby? Dad said that he just opened up a new restaurant.”

“No,” I said. “I might drop in if I have the time, but...”

“Well, say hi all the same. I know that they’re both busy running the family restaurant out in Brooklyn, but it would be nice to see them again.”

“I’ll send them your love if I see them,” I said, thinking about what a big shot chef my brother had become.

Before Axel could ask any more questions, I stood and looked down at him. “That Layla girl looks like a keeper.” I turned and headed to the door, then glanced back at him. “I like the way she’s taking care of my little boy.”

He smiled, his sweet and innocent, yet sad smile. “I like the way she’s taking care of me, too. I think I might keep her around.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

I looked at him, trying to read him.

Yes. I was going to make Erica Babbette pay for what she’d done to my boy... my boys.

I closed the door and pulled out my phone before making my way downstairs.

“Russell,” I said. “Can you have the plane ready for me in twenty minutes?”
