Page 66 of Stone King

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As I stepped out of my son’s house and closed the door, Layla’s words echoed in my head. What was she insinuating? How dare her to accuse me of abusing my own son whom I loved more than anything.

Yes, I was taken aback and upset by her accusation, but I couldn’t help but think that there was something to her question.

After all, she had become really close to Axel. Axel had always been frank with me, but there were times when I felt he had a side to him that he tried to hide from his mother Taryn and me. Axel had been an overachiever since childhood, and he was competitive in many ways, but he had self-doubts, even some trepidation when it came to new things, that I had to encouraged and push him a bit to help him along.

But debilitating nightmares?

Crying out for someone to stop?

What the fuck?

I was about to turn around and head back inside to find out what more she knew when I saw Taryn come up the drive.

“Errol,” she said as she killed the engine and hurried out of her car. “Where is he? Where’s Axel?”

“Calm down, honey,” I said as she came up to the stoop.

Forever a fashion plate, she looked great in a blush colored suit with a crisp white shirt and white leather slingbacks.

“He’s awake,” I said. “He’s doing better.”

“I want to go in and see him.”

Just as she was about to open the door, Layla came out.

“Mr. King, I...” She stopped as she almost bumped into Taryn. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

“Taryn,” I said. “This is Layla, the student I was telling you about.”

Taryn smiled as she appraised Layla. “So, you’re the girl who has my son jumping through hoops.”

Layla smiled as she glanced at Taryn then at me.

“Taryn is my wife,” I said. “Axel and Kobe’s mother.”

“Oh,” Layla said. “So happy to meet you. Axel is...”

“I know. I know,” Taryn said. “He can be difficult at times, but he’s a good boy... a good man, I mean. He has a kind heart and would do anything to help us out. He’s the perfect son.”

“Actually, I was going to say that he’s doing much better. Um... I... well...”
