Page 63 of Stone King

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But he’d already fallen back asleep.

I brought the dish back downstairs, tidied up the place a bit, then headed back up to check in on him. He slept fitfully, but the nightmares seemed to have diminished. I touched his brow and found that it was far less troubling than it had been. Perhaps not normal, but better.

Before he could begin to stir again, I headed down to the kitchen to prepare something a little more substantial but still easy on his stomach that hadn’t seen food for a while.

I prepared a soft porridge with blueberries and strawberries and brought it up to his room.

“It’s almost dinner time, Axel,” I said, treating him almost as if he were awake. “You must be hungry.”

Still propped up on the pillows, his lips parted though he didn’t open his eyes.

“You are hungry, aren’t you?” I sat on the edge of the bed and fed him, ensuring he got a big berry with every bite.

But after only a half dozen spoonfuls, he turned away and fell asleep.

As the evening wore on, I looked for something to do; something that would keep me awake. This past week had been exhausting and it was starting to wear me down.

I’d picked up a cookbook from a shelf in the kitchen and settled into the armchair in Axel’s room. I flipped through the book, noting several interesting ideas. The photos were beautiful and enticing.

As I read the ingredients the author suggested for a creamy maple syrup pie, I drifted off, thinking of my own part in the recent competition as my eyelids grew heavy.

“I’m starving.”

I heard the feeble voice through my fitful sleep.

“Hey. This is good. Even cold, it’s good.”

Who? Where am I?

“Really good.”

My eyes flew open and I sat up, throwing the cookbook off my lap.


“Yeah,” he said with a sheepish grin.

“You’re awake!”

“Yeah. And I’m hungry.”

“Oh, Axel. You’re awake,” I said again as I made my way to the side of the bed.

“Yeah. And so are you. Have you been sleeping there long?”

I glanced back at the armchair. “Huh. I don’t know. I dozed off.”


I looked at the empty bowl of oatmeal. “Want me to go fix you something else. You must be starving.”

He shrugged. “This was good. Hit the spot. But I don’t think I’m ready for anything more just yet.” He patted the mattress, inviting me to sit down.

I gingerly sat down beside him.

“How long have I been here?” he said, looking around at his room.

“A few days now,” I said. “You really had us worried.”
