Page 57 of Stone King

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“Perfection,” Francois Bellavance said, licking his spoon. “Parfait!”

“I’m going to have to eat the whole thing,” Candace said.

Pleased, I smiled, bowed and returned to my workstation to wait for their decision. It seemed to take forever, but Terry finally returned with the results.

Thomas, Axel and I stood side by side and listened attentively.

“In third place...”

The crowd was silent, but my heart thundered in my ears.

“Thomas Crenshaw.”

We all politely applauded him and he stepped back.

“And now,” Terry said when we all once again fell silent. “We have two contestants left; a runner up and the winner of the competition.”

Yes. Yes! Who won? Who won!?

“I will read the name of the winner,” he went on to clarify. “And the winner... of the competition... is...”

Heart pounding. Breathing painful. Palms clammy.

Come on. Come on.

“Layla Tyler!”

What? Did I hear him right? Did I win? Oh, my God. Did I really win?

“Layla Tyler,” Terry said as he came up to me and held out his hand. “You’ve won the competition.”

I was suddenly surrounded by the judges and others who’d come to congratulate me. Even Errol King came up to shake my hand.

Chapter 17

