Page 50 of Stone King

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He tightened his jaw, clearly upset. “Were you?”

“Yes,” I shouted. “Are you happy now?” I pulled free of his hold and turned to head inside.

“No,” he said, reaching for me and this time, pulling me closer to him. “I’m not happy at all. In fact, I want you to stop.”

“Stop?” I said, looking into his determined eyes. “Stop what?”

“Stop seeing him.”


“It’s not a joke.”

“No doubt, it’s not a joke,” I said. “I doubt you even know what a joke is. It may not be a joke, but what it is, however, is ridiculous. Not only do you want to force me to leave this school because your royal little ass can’t stand to be in the same space as my little, humble, simple self, but now you want to tell me who I can and cannot see. You’re delusional, Axel. Positively delusional.”

“Really?” he said, his tone suddenly menacing, as his eyes narrowed into two evil slits. “You do realize that you’re a student here while he is a professor.”

“Yes,” I said.

“You realize what that means?”

“I’m an adult, Axel.”

“We have strict rules about this, you know.”

“Strict rules against a professor tutoring a well deserving student?”

He snorted and sneered. “Phrase it however you want to, Layla, but the fact remains. It’s against the rules. If you won’t stop of your own accord, I’ll report both of you. Do you know what that means?”

A chill ran up my spine. Damn him.

“That means that the two of you will then be able to spend as much time together as you want... off campus. He’ll be fired and you will be kicked out of this academy and out of the competition. So, weigh those options carefully, Layla. Is he worth it? Is it worth losing everything just to be with him?”

“You’ve wanted me out of this school since day one,” I spat at him. “What the hell do you care one way or another? Are you jealous? Do you feel inferior compared to the wise and experienced man that Mac is?”

“I don’t give a fuck!”

“Right,” I said, cocking my head to the side as I looked at him, trying to understand what he was up to. “You don’t give a fuck, but you certainly care who I fuck.”

He was silent as he looked down at me, his grip on my arm relaxing but still holding me. His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared.

Damn it, Axel, I wanted to say. Why can’t you just come out and say what you think, what you feel? Why these silly games? What is this really about? Do you want me for yourself? Do you just want to make my life miserable?

For all of my questions, I couldn’t find an answer.

Chapter 15
