Page 48 of Stone King

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Kobe then looked to our father. “I heard of her. But I don’t know anything. You know I don’t like to keep up with that stuff. All that matters to me is that the students enjoy their time here and leave with a solid degree.”

I looked at him, knowing full well that he didn’t even care about that.

And lately, he cared even less. Did he really think that I hadn’t noticed the distant look in his eyes?

Something was going on with him, and the more I looked at him, the more I worried about him. I was tempted to bring it up right there in front of our father. If he was involved in something untoward, I thought it only right that our father know about it.

Eager to also change the subject about Layla, I took the plunge. “What have you been up to lately, Kobe?” I said casually. “I haven’t seen you around much.”

He pressed a silly yet irritated grin at me with a quick sidelong glance at Errol. “I’m busy on campus,” he said.

“Busy with what?”

Kobe took a huge bite of his brisket and chewed in an exaggerated manner, stalling for time.

“Speaking of the academy and the campus,” Errol cut it, breaking the growing tension between us. “I recently received an interesting email regarding one of our professors.”

“Really?” I said. “Who?”

My father set his fork down and reached into his breast pocket to pull out a folded sheet of paper. He opened it up and read. “Chef Mac.”

I frowned, suddenly concerned. “What about him?”

He handed me the sheet of paper. “Here. Read it for yourself.”

Shit, I thought as I read the email. Damn the bastard.

Chapter 14


After moving forward to the next round in the competition, I spent more and more time with Chef Mac. Not only was he a great tutor, but my time with him helped to put Axel out of my mind.

When it came to my knowledge of spices, we’d covered all the bases, but I felt a growing need to spend more time with him. The more I got to know him, the more fascinating I found him.

He made me laugh and he had the ability to calm me whenever I let my emotions get the better of me. He taught me things I’d never dreamed of in the kitchen. There was something soothing and inspiring about him, and the few times when we put my tutoring aside and he prepared dinner for me, I was blown away. The flavors that he created were rich and had depth.
