Page 43 of Stone King

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I pulled away from the kiss. “This isn’t right,” I whispered. “You’re my teacher. We really shouldn’t...”

“Shouldn’t or don’t want to?” he said, looking fiercely into my eyes.

Knowing that he was right, I smiled.

“That’s what I thought,” he said. “Look. How can you reject anything that will help calm you, relieve your stress and, ultimately, make you perform better?”

His smiled widened while his horny eyes narrowed as he led me into the living room and the large leather sofa.

“Does that mean you’re going to claim responsibility for my win?” I said with a teasing grin.

“I just might do that,” he said, guiding me down onto the sofa.

As I lay back looking up at him, he peeled off his shirt and I was, once again, reminded of why I found him so fascinating. His strong and muscular torso looked like it’d been sculpted out of the most gorgeous granite... hard, smooth, strong.

He shimmied out of the drawstring linen pants he wore and showed me all that he had to give me.

I was wet just looking at him, just allowing my eyes to explore every line of his exquisite body.

With his intense gaze upon me, I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my dress, giving him better access to my full bosom.

He quickly took the invitation, climbing over me and nestling between my legs while he buried his face between my breasts. My hands were in dire need of his skin and they rose of their own accord, reaching for him and running over the smoothness of his skin.

As he guided his hardened cock deep inside me, I let out a sigh of relief, a sigh of pleasure.

“Told you this would help,” he said as he slowly stroked his way in and out of me.

I smiled up at him. “I just might need to call upon you more and more often.”

“Call at will,” he said, his eyes suddenly closing as the sensations of my warmth filled him.

I arched my back, then brought my hips up to meet his, willing him to go in deeper and deeper.

Our orgasms grew in harmony, slow and delicious. Our arousal levels kept in tandem, as he covered my skin with tender kisses. When we finally erupted, our cries filled the home, echoing from every corner.

“Now, tell me that you don’t feel more relaxed,” he challenged.

I let out a small laugh. “On the contrary,” I said. “I might be so relaxed that I won’t care about the competition at all. All I’ll want to do is stay here with you.” I reached up to kiss him while my fingers played with the soft curls at the nape of his neck.

“We can stay right here as long as you want,” he said.

Chapter 13
