Page 40 of Stone King

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They all took a big mouthful.

“Oh,” Miss Jankles said, turning the mouthful around in her mouth. “What is that...? Hmm. So interesting. What is that little je ne sais quoi that is going on in my mouth?”

Mr. Bellavance nodded. “Indeed. Is that whiskey?”

“Bourbon,” I said.

They all nodded their approval and Mr. Fitzgibbons even reached out to take another generous mouthful.

“Very, very nice,” he said as he chewed. “The blend of this unusual crust with the sweet/tart flavors of the apples... and then you throw bourbon into the mix... genius. Absolute genius.”

Beaming, I smiled, bowed my head slightly, then turned to head back to my station. I couldn’t help sending a proud glance at Axel who stoically ignored me.

“And last but not least, Axel King.”

Axel brought his dish to the judges, but I barely listened to their comments. Of course, I assumed that whatever Axel had done, it was going to be good.

But my thoughts were on my own dish and on my chances of going on to the second round.

Moments later, as Axel returned to his station beside me, I noted the proud gleam in his eyes. He, too, knew that he had a winner.

After a bit of deliberation, the judges returned and gave their conclusions to Terry.

“As you all know, three of you will be eliminated today while the others will go on to the next round,” he said, looking at the card in his hand. “Leaving the competition today are, Milly Englund, Vincent Grady and Emma Dyson.”

The three contestants came forward, unhappy and disappointed.

“I wish you all good luck and hope to see you again for next year’s competition.”

As they moved aside, Terry looked out at the nine remaining contestants. “Congratulations to you all. You are all moving on to the next round. You’ll have another week to hone your culinary prowess. But, be ready for anything. Next week, your challenge will be announced at the start of the competition. All I can tell you is that we’ll be looking for original and unusual blends. What flavor will you pair with cumin? What seasoning will you use with saffron? Know your seasonings, people. Know our seasonings.”

Wow, I thought with a little apprehension. So, there was no real way of getting ready. I couldn’t practice a particular recipe. Like he said, I would have to be ready for anything.

“It’s easy to win when you get to practice,” Axel shot my way. “But let’s see how you perform at a moment’s notice.”

I looked at him. “I’m great under pressure,” I said, even though I didn’t fully believe it. I came closer to his station as I prepared to take my leave. “More than anyone else, you should know that about me by now.” I winked at him and left him.

Chapter 12
