Page 34 of Stone King

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“That’s enough,” I had said with finality. Just get out, I’d wanted to yell. Get out!

Disappointed, she’d looked woefully at me, but I simply turned away and headed up the stairs, letting her find her own way out.

As the days of the past week passed, I could do nothing to get Layla out of my mind. I was going crazy, and I had to do something. How long could I go on living like this?

But now, this added another difficult element to the problem. Seeing her in the arms of another man, seeing her so passionate, so sexy, so wild with abandonment, I knew that I couldn’t go on living like this any longer.

I had to have her.

As she came out of the classroom, I spotted her. Though her hair was slightly disheveled, there were no other indications of what had just happened. There was no sign of the wild wanton woman I’d just seen. She was like an angel, a beautiful, innocent yet super sexy angel as she headed down the hall.

I followed her, my mind racing as I tried to find a way to be alone with her. Up ahead, I knew there was a room, an abandoned teachers’ lounge. The door was often left open.

Yes. That would be perfect.

I sped up, came right up behind her and when she came up to the door to that empty room, I pushed her inside.

“What are...?”

She didn’t have time to finish her question then my lips were over hers. She tasted like heaven, and I wanted more and more. It seemed like I just couldn’t get enough of her. I couldn’t believe the strong reaction my body had to her. Just having her breasts pressed against me drove me nuts. Just holding her in my arms... and kissing her.

Damn. I was about to burst before anything could even happen.

I pulled away from the kiss, and looked at her, expecting her to hit me, to slap me, to yell at me, or worse, to yell for help. But she did none of that. Instead, she reached up to wrap her arms around my neck and pull me in for a heated kiss.

Damn, it was so unexpected. As cold as we’d been to one another these past weeks, we were now like two heated beings, unable to disentangle ourselves from one another.

She quickly took the reins, ridding me of my clothing with surprising ease. Clearly she’d been down this road before. She peeled off my shirt, then pulled down my pants and I was soon naked in front of her.

My cock was already erect and eager to touch her.

She pulled her cute blue and white summer dress over her head and stood there, absolutely and completely nude. No bra. No underwear. Just her super sexy baby blue leather pumps.

Fuck, I thought as I bit down on my lower lip. How could a girl be so irresistibly hot? It was insane. It should be illegal. What she was doing to me should be illegal.

But it was so good as I reached for her and let my lips trail over her skin. My fingers delved deep inside her, finding the folds of her pussy. She was wet, wetter than I thought a woman could ever be.

And her breasts, I groaned as I took a hold of one, so firm and yet so soft. I muttered incoherently into her ear. I knew my words made no sense, but they just came. Beautiful. Hot. Damn. Fuck. Oh, shit. Can’t have...

But my incoherence didn’t seem to bother her. If anything, her own mutterings quickly became incoherent. She pushed me back until I was sitting on the sofa set in the middle of the room. In all her glorious nudity, she climbed aboard, straddling me and deftly guiding my aching cock into her heavenly warmth.

My God. I wanted to explode on entry. She was so hot, so wet, so tight, so fucking exciting. Her big round boobs bounced up and down in my face as she worked me, riding me like a wild seductress.

“Yes!” I cried out, no longer able to hold back the flood of excitement that’d built up. “Yes! Holy shit! Yes, Layla. Yes!”

I exploded like I’d never exploded before. I had dozens of orgasms. Many on my own, hundreds into Tilly’s mouth, but none of them could compare to this.

Layla’s own orgasm quickly followed, her wild cries of wanton satisfaction echoing in my ear.

“Oh, yes, Layla,” I cried out, holding her to me as if my life depended on it. But then my eyes flew open with the realization of what I’d just said. I had never called out a girl’s name before, and I quickly questioned what it meant that I should call out hers.

Then again, this was the first time that I had actually entered a girl... other than her mouth, that is.

I frantically kissed her while my orgasm subsided, reveling in every sensation my body felt. I was already eager to start all over again, this time more slowly.

But Layla pulled back and simply sat on my lap, my cock still deep inside her. She cocked her head to the side and looked at me funny.

I looked back at her, puzzled by the expression on her face.
