Page 3 of Stone King

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I let out a soft snort as my gaze fell on a dark haired boy standing with a small group of students by one of the nearby pillars. The young girls looked at him with open adoration while the guys looked at him with envy.

He certainly was a sight to behold. His dark hair made his brilliant green eyes stand out all the more, giving him such an alluring and mysterious appeal. He had full lips that pouted just enough, and a strong well chiseled jaw. Though dressed in the tan slacks and an ample white shirt, it was easy to see that he was muscular and athletic.

No wonder the girls were all over him.

But as I listened to Kat talking about her mother, I glanced up at the dark-haired boy again and noticed how his scanning gaze of the large room stopped on me.

I was about to smile, but something stopped me. He averted his gaze quickly enough, but there was more to it than just that. There’d been something hard and cold in his gaze... disdain even.

I tried to dismiss it and convinced myself that I’d imagined that disdainful look, but...

Again, and again, my gaze came back to him, intrigued by his good looks and cold demeanor. Looking above the heads of the students around him, he scrutinized with a haughty glare the goings-on around him.

The more I looked at him, the more stand-offish he appeared, as if he was above it all.

Then, his gaze returned to me. For a second, I anticipated a smile, after all, the glint in his eyes indicated a certain amount of approval of what he saw. But an ugly scowl quickly erased whatever approval I thought I’d seen.

“What are you looking at?” Kat said glancing around.

“That guy over there,” I said, barely daring to look his way. “The one with the dark hair and the ‘I own the place’ attitude.”

“Axel?” Kat said, glancing at the guy then back at me.

“You know him?” I said.

“Well, not personally,” she said. “But I know of him.”

“So, what’s with the attitude? I mean, he’s looking down at everyone as if he’s something special.”

“Maybe it’s because he sort of is,” Kat said. “He’s Axel King.”

“You say that as if it should mean something to me,” I said.

“It should,” Kat said with a cautious smile. “He’s Errol King’s son.”

“Oh, Holy crap,” I let out. “Errol King? The Errol King? Celebrity chef, Errol King?”

“The one and only, legendary Chef King.”

“And that guy is...”

“His eldest son, Axel King.”

Chapter 2


I TURNED BACK TO FACE the tables and tried to put the arrogant looking young man out of my mind. But as Kat and I neared the table, when it was almost my turn, I noticed him standing there, right beside the table.

My turn came and I froze.

“You’re next, Layla,” Kat said with a slight nudge.

Still, my feet refused to move. For some reason, the arrogance and the disdain in his eyes had me frozen in place.

“Miss,” the woman behind the table said.

I wanted to tell Kat to go first, but I set aside my apprehension about Axel and finally approached the table.
