Page 22 of Stone King

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The rest of the day flew by. Between my angst about Axel and my excitement for all the new things I was to learn, I had little time to sit by and mull over the horrible start to my stay at the Academy.

My second day, however, went a little better. While I met up with a few of the students who’d witnessed my dispute with Axel, many seemed to be unaware of what had happened, and they were actually pleasant towards me.

And with every passing day, the events of that first day paled more and more until they were just an unfortunately blip on my radar.

By the time Friday rolled around, I’d put it completely out of my mind. It wasn’t all that hard. I had other things to put my mind to; namely, my first class with the very handsome and sexy Chef Mac.

As I left my dorm room and made my way to my class, I stopped briefly at the cafeteria and picked up a little something.

Smiling, I continued on and reached the classroom a few minutes early. Seeing Chef Mac up at the front of the class, so sexy in his black chef’s jacket, I went up to him.

“I know I’m probably not the first to do so,” I said. “But... here.” I held out the bright red apple I’d picked up at the lunchroom.

His smile was broad and genuine as he looked up at me.

I shrugged sheepishly. “It’s not a Macintosh, but...”

He took the apple from my hand, careful to let his warm fingers scrape the palm of my hand as he did so.

“It’s not the first,” he said, looking so intently into my eyes. “But it certainly is the most beautiful apple I’ve ever received.”

The look in his eyes told me that we were no longer talking about an apple. I smiled as I felt the heat of a blush creep up to my cheeks.

“Thank you,” he said, setting the apple on his desk.

Students had begun to arrive.

“My pleasure,” I said as I took up a seat at the front of the class.

Soon the seats were full, and the class settled down.

“Welcome, everyone,” Chef Mac said. “My name is Chef Mac. Mac for Macintosh.”

“Hence the apple on your desk,” a perspicacious student said.

“Right,” Chef Mac said with an amused chuckle. He looked at me and smiled, but quickly resumed a more professional stance as he looked over the class. “The world of spice. What a wonderful world indeed. Where would we be without spices? How dull would our meals be? There have even been reports of chimpanzees rinsing their fruit in the salty ocean water. Seasoning? I believe so.”

“Smart,” a student called out.

“So, tell me,” Chef Mac went on. “What spices are you familiar with?”

“Salt and pepper,” a student called out.

“You’re technically half right,” Chef Mac said. “Peppercorns are indeed a spice, however, salt is a mineral. However, for the sake of this culinary class, we’ll include it.”

“Cinnamon, clove and cumin.”
