Page 12 of Stone King

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Turning off the heat and setting the pan aside, I turned to him with my spatula held up and pointed at him. He hadn’t anticipated my turning to him, and I caught him ogling my ass.

He quickly slapped on a grimace, but it was too late. I’d seen the hungry interest in his bright blue eyes.

I wanted to take full advantage of the position that he was in and play up the sexual tension until he was in pain.

“What...?” I said, jutting my hip to the other side. “You don’t like this type of attire? I shouldn’t be surprised. A cold-blooded snake like you probably isn’t used to seeing a woman who actually looks like a real... hot... blooded... woman.”

Staring at my breasts, he licked his lips, the sexiest move I’d ever seen. I was about to copy the move, the need to lick my lips suddenly so urgent, but I held back, refusing to give him the satisfaction.

“The girls here are classy, and they know how to dress appropriately,” he said. “You’re just proving even more how you don’t belong here. Why don’t you go back to your little hick town and get a job at the corner diner?”

I looked down at my breasts, cocked my head playfully to the side and looked back up at him. “I guess I would make a lot of tips dressed like this, wouldn’t I?”

His chest rose and fell as he struggled to breathe. “You’re indecent,” he growled. “Your boobs are practically popping out and your ass... Your ass is...”

I turned my back to him and popped my ass out for emphasis. “My ass is what?” I asked innocently as I picked up the frying pan and dropped the eggs onto two plates.

“Those shorts are barely more than a g-string.” he said with much difficulty. “What kind of girl goes around campus dressed like that?”

“A hungry one,” I said as I turned back to him. “In case you’ve already forgotten, you and your little brother ruined my lunch.”

“He’s not my little brother. He’s my fraternal twin.”

“Who cares?”

“You’re deliberately cock teasing,” he said, his eyes again dipping into my shirt.

I chuckled deep in my throat. “That’s all in your very vivid imagination, jerk.”

“Jerk?” he said, looking incredulously at me. “Me? Look at my face. Look what you did to me. There’s actually a bruise from where you hit me, you savage wild cat.”

“Aw,” I said with mock sympathy. “I have a feeling that it’s your fragile ego that was bruised a lot more than that pretty boy face of yours.”

He sucked in his cheeks and took a step closer to me. “Perhaps no one has enlightened you yet. Perhaps out in the backwoods of Texas they didn’t tell you who I am. I am...”

I yawned in his face. “Yadda, yadda, yadda. Yeah. Yeah. You’re the almighty Prince Axel... the handsome but empty headed son of the great and talented Errol King. Clearly, he over-indulged you and that explains why you are now such a ninny.”

Fuming, he stepped closer still. “Take it back.”

Not the least bit intimidated, I took a firm and solid step towards him. “If you can’t stand the heat, then stay the fuck out of my kitchen.”

His clear blue eyes darkened, but I could have sworn that his lips curled up ever so slightly. As angry as he was playing it, he was amused by all of this.

Shit. Was he enjoying this dispute?

“You deserve every word,” I said, leaning closer to him as I looked up into his steamy blue eyes. “You deserve it all... the words, the criticism and the slap.”

“Fine,” he said, taking a small step back. “If that’s the way you want to be. But I’ll give you a word of warning.”

“Sure,” I said with lack of interest. I turned back to tend to pick up my plates. “Why don’t you do that?”

“I own this school. And I really mean that I own it. Your destiny is in my hands. And that of your little crybaby friend, too.”

He was pushing this too far. I set the plates back on the counter with a clatter and spun back around. I reached out and struck him again. “You leave Kat out of this. She didn’t do anything to you. For that matter, I didn’t do anything to you. What kind of a depraved, spoiled brat of a man bullies two young, innocent women the way you and that brother of yours did? If you’re really such a big man on campus, then why don’t you leave me and Kat alone?”

Below his seething eyes, I could see the red handprint on his cheek. I’d hit him and I’d hit him hard.

“Now, you’ve really gone and done it,” another male voice bellowed.
