Page 10 of Stone King

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It worked. She looked up at me with a silly grin.

Smelling of garlic, rosemary and thyme, we walked back to our dorm. There was something comforting in being with her, of not having to go through the humiliation by myself.

Hopefully, soon, we’d be able to laugh at the incident.

“I’ll let you head into the shower first, if you want,” I offered as we walked into our apartment.

She looked at me with a surprised grin. “Why? We each have our own shower.”

“We do?”

“Didn’t you open that other door in your bedroom? We each have our own bathroom.”

“Perfect,” I said. “I’m hitting the shower right away and I’ll meet you back here and we’ll figure something out for lunch.”

I left her and went into my bedroom. As promised, another door in my room led to a magnificent bathroom. The large shower stall was tiled in beautiful antique tiles of rose and wisteria. A long counter had two sinks and in the corner, a large tub with massaging jets.

I took off my dress, careful not to get spaghetti everywhere, and dumped it into the sink. In the shower, I turned on the cool water and simply let it stream through my hair.

Just as I chastised myself for not bringing my toiletries into the bathroom, I noticed the soap, shampoo and conditioner dispensers.

Wow. They had really thought of everything, and then some.

I squirted some of the floral scented shampoo into my hand and washed my hair. The heavy scent quickly rid me of any and all traces of garlic and herbs.

Feeling fresh and revitalized, I headed out into my room and opened my suitcase. I grabbed the first thing on top. A bright yellow tank top and my short black gym shorts with double stripes of yellow. They were my favorite work out shorts, super comfy and super sexy. After slipping my feet into soft canvas tennis shoes, I was ready to go.

With my hair still damp and streaming and dripping down my back, I went out to join Kat in the living area.

“You okay?” I said when I saw her just sitting there in an armchair, staring into space. “I thought that a good shower would spruce you up.”

She shrugged. “What a horrible way to start the semester. And to think that Kobe could treat me that way and then laugh about it.”

Puzzled, I came to sit on the sofa across from her. “You know him?”

She nodded. “A few years ago, we were at the same culinary camp. It was this thing set up by several junior high schools in my area.” She looked at me with sad eyes. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we were the best of friends, but we did get along. We worked together on a few projects and there were never any issues between us. I don’t get it. I don’t understand why he would do this.”

Biting my lip, I looked at her.

“I know it’s silly of me,” she went on. “When I learned that I’d been accepted here and that he would be here too, I was really looking forward to seeing him again.” She sank back into the armchair. “Why did he have to be so cute? Are all good looking guys bad?”

“No,” I said with a snort. “I’m sure they’re not.”

“But he’s sooooo cute.”

I chuckled. “Tell me about it,” I said. “The fact that Axel is so gorgeous makes it hard to hate him for what he did. Damn. It’s not fair.”

When Kat didn’t respond, I tapped her knee with my hand. “Don’t let this get to you. You’re stronger than this. I know you are.”

“How do you know?”

“Just looking at you, I can tell that you have drive and determination. You’re the kind of person who gets through anything and everything that you put your mind to.”

She just stared at me.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

She offered me a shy grin, then looked up and let out a sigh. “I’m starving. What are we supposed to do now?”
