Page 23 of The Crush

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Galen eyed the box. “Do we need that? I can just put the bag in my backpack.”

“It’s heavier than you would think.”

In his hands, it didn’t look heavy at all. “I’ll make it work.” Then he hesitated. “Is it okay if I carry it? Rosalind didn’t know me.”

She was touched that he remembered her name, which she’d only mentioned once.

“She didn’t say anything in her will about that, so I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. Thank you.” She smiled at him, noting that his plaid wool jacket in shades of deep green and black really suited him. It made his eyes seem even more filled with light.

She herself had paid extra attention to her outfit, not just because she’d be counting on it to keep her warm, but because she wanted to look good—for Rosalind, of course. She’d chosen a pair of cobalt blue joggers with pockets, over long underwear. Galen had warned her away from cotton, so she’d bought herself a charcoal gray synthetic top with a built-in bra. Over that she wore a soft warm flannel shirt in understated heathery sage colors that brought out the green in her eyes. She also wore a pink bandanna to keep the hair out of her face. It could double as a scarf if it got colder.

Maybe it was silly to spend so much attention on a hiking outfit. But Rosalind deserved her best effort. And if Galen happened to notice…

Not that he had any particular reaction to her outfit. He was focused on the backpack that sat next to her on the driveway.

“Let me see your pack.”

She handed it over and he adjusted a few items. “Never put hard things against your back,” he explained. “Now put it on.”

He helped her slip her arms through the straps, then stepped back and eyed her. “It’s sitting too low on your hips. I need to adjust the buckles. Do you mind?”

She shook her head and he stepped closer, focusing his gaze on her hips. A tingle of reaction went through her. Wow. Where had that come from? It wasn’t going away, either, as he gently lifted the padded hip strap and settled it in a better spot. He cinched the buckle to keep it in place.

She sighed in relief. “That already feels better.”

“It’s important to take the time to get this part right.” His voice, which always had an element of rough sand to it, sounded even more gruff than usual. “People want to rush onto the trail to catch the light, or they want to beat their friends to the top. But I believe in being as comfortable as possible for a long hike like this one. Especially if you’re not used to hiking.”

He glanced down at her boots. Her pulse was doing odd thing, slowing, speeding, skipping. “Those look nice and broken in.”

“I’m not a total newbie. I hiked in the canyons when I lived in Arizona.”

“So you know to stay hydrated.”

“Oh yes. I always took a couple of gallons of water with me.”

He reached into his own pack and pulled out a filter. “I brought a gallon, and when that runs out, we’ll use stream water. This filters out everything except hydrogen and oxygen.”

She nodded as she examined the lightweight contraption, that was little more than a canister and a flexible hose. “I obviously picked the right guy to guide me.”

“I hope so, but let me get you back in one piece first.” He smiled as he put back the filter. “I’m going to make one more adjustment.” He gestured to her front, and she looked down. “That strap takes some weight off your shoulders. It needs a little tightening.”

Oh. He meant the strap that buckled right over her breasts. She waited, but he didn’t move.

“You can do that one yourself,” he finally said, showing nothing but professionalism. “Just tighten it until you feel some weight come off your shoulders.”

Her face flaming, she did as he suggested. Had she really expected him to come that close and put his hands on that chest strap? Had she wanted him to?

It had been too long since she’d had sex, that was the problem. Ever since saying goodbye to Maura, she’d stuck to teaching, writing, dog-walking and Granny-tending. She’d poured all her jagged emotions into her books. She hadn’t been interested in anything or anyone else.

Besides, when it came to men, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The men she liked never met her mother’s standards, and the men her mother liked bored her to tears. But her life would be impossible if she chose someone her mother didn’t accept. The drama would be too much. Besides, her family, dysfunctional though it was, mattered too much to her. Especially now that Maura was gone.

So what about that tingle of attraction to Galen? That was real. She felt it deep in her belly, in her nipples. And lord, did it feel good. It made her feel alive again.

“How does that feel?” Galen asked.

Her face still warm from that intense flush, she flexed her shoulders. “That’s pretty good. Better.”

“Any time you want to stop to adjust a strap or take a break, just say the word.”
