Page 86 of The Rebound

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Would that impress Kendra? It didn’t seem like the kind of thing that would, but maybe he was missing something. Maybe his willingness to sustain physical injury would prove his love in a way that baring his heart didn’t.

Of course, he had a scar on his lip to prove he wasn’t afraid to put his body on the line for her. He’d done it before, he could do it again. But was he really what she wanted, or did she want a hotshot business dude who looked like a model?

By the time he made it to Braddock, the jam session was well underway. He grabbed a folding chair and put together his trombone, latching the slide to the bell, then screwing in the mouthpiece. The familiar process relaxed him. He couldn’t wait to lose himself in the music.

Alvin nodded at him, and gave him a signal that he wanted to talk. Jason scooted his chair over. In the group, Alvin switched between bass guitar and vocals, with an occasional stint on the drums. Tonight he was gently plucking a bass line that he could have played in his sleep.

“Got some texts from Kendra, but I can’t take my hands off this guitar,” he murmured to Jason. “Take a peek for me, you mind?”

Damnit, so much for losing himself in the music. “Your phone is supposed to be off.”

“Ringer’s off. I was about to turn it off when I saw the texts.”

Jason set his trombone across his knees and picked up Alvin’s phone from the extra chair where he’d set it down.

Dominic wants me to go to London with him. What should I do?

Jason’s chest clenched so hard it felt like a heart attack.

Another text had come in ten minutes after that one.

U there, Pop? I really need your help. Can you call me during the break?

Then another one, about five minutes after that.

He’s making really good arguments. We could sell the business to a huge firm that could really do something with it. They want me to work for them. I could write my own ticket, according to Dom. But can I trust him?

Of course not! Jason wanted to scream.

In a neutral voice, underneath the music flowing around them, he read the texts to Alvin.

“Did you say she’s going to London?” Alvin hissed.

“She’s trying to decide.”

He scanned through more of the texts. “Jesus, he wants her to go tonight. She’s thinking about doing it just so she can meet with these guys for herself. Or it could just be a vacation. But she wants to make sure you’re covered at the restaurant. She wants you to call her when you’re done here.”

Alvin focused on the strings for a moment. Jason stared down at the phone. She hadn’t sent him any texts. Would she really leave without saying goodbye?Without even letting him know?

Another text popped onto the screen.

Maybe I need to see for myself if there’s anything for me in London. I owe it to myself. I’ve been in professional limbo too long. If I can kick my career back into gear, it’s worth it, right?

In the next moment, his own phone dinged, drawing a glare from the keyboardist. It was a text from Kendra.

Jason, can we talk?

No. If she wanted to break the news that she was leaving for London, she’d have to wait until the damn jam session was over.

He turned off his phone and shoved it into his pocket. He wasn’t even supposed to have it on right now.

Alvin hissed at him, jerking his head toward his phone. “Tell Kendra to do what’s in her heart.”

“You tell her,” he whispered back. “That’s a dad thing to say.”

“From my phone. No capital letters and all that. Just the words.”

Jason typed out the words and sent the message. Then he firmly handed back the phone. “I’m done playing secretary and I need two hands for this trombone.”
