Page 71 of The Rebound

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And sometimes, like with Gretchen, the ex-partner married someone else, got pregnant, and lived happily ever after.

He really needed to know what was going on here. He wanted to know where he stood, but he couldn’t push her right now. She’d made that clear.

She put the cap back on her body lotion and tossed it onto the nightstand. In a quick move, she climbed on top of him, her thighs straddling his hips. “I can think of about eighty-five things I’d rather talk about than Dominic.”

“That’s a very specific number.”

“Well, forty of them are those respected elders you rescued today.”

He shaped his hands around the taut curves of her waist. “That was a community effort. I can’t take credit.”

A flash of annoyance crossed her face. “Don’t you ever take credit for anything? You don’t always have to be humble, you know.”

“I’m not being humble. The whole town pulled together, you know that. Fuck, I wasn’t even the one on the aerial putting out the flames.” He frowned at her, which was the last thing he wanted to do to the goddess perched on his thighs. “I take credit all the time.”

“Okay, let’s hear it. Take credit for something.”

He slid his hand between her legs, into the soft nest of her sex. “I made you come in the shower just now.”

She spread her thighs just a little farther apart. He’d take that as a “continue, please.”

“I put you in charge of Operation Respected Elders. I’ll take credit for that.”

“Um, thanks, but I kind of stepped into that myself.” Her hands went to his towel and worked at the knot until it eased open. His cock was already half-hard just from the sight of her naked, still-damp body over his.

“So that wasn’t me, sending everyone to you with their questions? And letting the board members know that you were handling logistics?”

“Fine. But it’s kind of funny to take credit for delegating.”

“Why? Isn’t that part of being a leader? You have to know who’s the right person to handle what task, assign it to them, and inspire them to do a good job at it.”

Her eyes swept up to meet his. The soft light of the bedside lamp made them shine. The lines of her face relaxed, all irritation gone. “That’s a really good point, Jaybone. You’re an excellent leader.”

“Why do you sound so surprised? You’re the one who told me I should go for the job.”

“Yes, because…because you’re trustworthy and hardworking and smart and I thought you deserved a promotion. I didn’t think about you being a good leader because you’re not a hard-ass. But you are a good leader.”

She ran her hands down his chest, her fingertips lightly stroking wherever they found a ridge of muscle. If she was trying to distract him from her compli-sult…well, it was working.

“Feels like there’s a lack of compliment in that compliment,” he murmured.

She traced a path to his lower belly, where skin untouched by sun reacted with a shiver. His cock was already rising to meet her hand.

“That was not a compli-sult. You know I’m your biggest fan.” With perfect timing, she curved her hand around his erection. It responded with instant, full-throttle arousal.

“Talk about someone’s biggest fan…”

She giggled as she stroked him lightly, keeping a loose grip around his still-hardening member.

He arched his hips up and yanked the towel out from under his ass. He didn’t want anything getting in their way.

Even as hot desire flooded through his system, something kept bugging him.

Kendra still underestimated him. Just because he didn’t play the blowhard didn’t mean he wasn’t a good leader. In fact, from his perspective, it made him a better leader. He tried to lift up everyone who worked for him. He wasn’t a bully and he always tried to be fair.

Why didn’t Kendra see all that?

But when Kendra lifted herself onto her knees and brought his hand to her sex, everything else fled from his mind. At least she didn’t underestimate him in bed. She knew how quickly he could get her revved up. That orgasm in the shower had been just a little teaser.
