Page 67 of The Rebound

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Jason, on the other hand…she always answered when he called. Just seeing his name on her screen made her smile. ”How’s it going over there, babe?” he asked, his intimate tone sending a flush through her.

“The cabins are just about ready. I called in a few favors from some vendors, so now we have access to two delivery vans and three pickup trucks.”

“Sounds like a convoy. I’ve had a bunch of people call in offering blankets and casseroles and other stuff like that. Can I forward all that to you?”

“Absolutely. We’ll set out the casseroles in the restaurant.” Or maybe freeze them for use in the temporary kitchen, once that was set up. “I’ve lined up some appliances for the camp kitchen. When do you think my guys can get in there to start setting that up?”

“Your guys?”

“I have guys.” She found herself grinning, despite the circumstances. “And they’re ready to do my bidding.”

The “guys” in question were mostly people who owed Alvin favors. He had a way of helping people when they most needed it—like when they first got out of rehab, or even prison, in one case. Those people never forgot his nonjudgmental kindness, and jumped at the chance to repay the Carter family.

“Of course they are, who wouldn’t be? I’ll do your bidding anytime, night or day, but especially night, of course.”

A shiver passed through her as she pictured the last night they’d spent together. She’d woken him in the middle of the night, wild with desire. They’d made love in the sweet, sweaty darkness and she’d felt so close to him, tears had come to her eyes.

She shook off the memory and took a lighter tone. “You’re not calling just to flirt, are you? Because about twenty texts just came in.” Her phone had been dinging up a storm for the past two minutes.

His tone shifted to professional. “Yeah, that was me forwarding offers of help. We’re about to do another damage assessment, so I’ll have an answer about the kitchen in half an hour or so.”

“Sounds good. And Jason, be careful in there.”

“Are you worried about me?” The flirty tone was back.

“The fire looked bad in that live stream.”

“The fire’s out. I’m considering doing the walk-through without a shirt on, though, just in case someone else has a camera rolling.”

“Oooh, I dare you.” She let out a gleeful laugh. “Seriously, I’ll make it worth your trouble if you go in there all man-sexy and bare-chested. I’m talking sexual favors. Only if it’s safe for you,” she added quickly.

“It’s against protocol. And I am the fire chief, so I’ll have to earn sexual favors some other way.”

“I’ll think of something.”


“Tonight.” When she ended the call, she turned to find her two friends—and a baby—staring at her.

“You are freaking glowing.” Gina pointed at her face.

“I’m sweating.”

Carly joined in as she kissed her baby’s curly head. “You’re happy.”

“Yes, because it’s so nice to be back with my two besties doing what we do best.”

“Cleaning cabins?” Carly screwed up her face.

“Giving each other shit.”

They all laughed at the accuracy. Then Gina shook her curly head. “I don’t believe you. It’s because of Jason.”

“Rebounds rock. Just like you said.”

“No. I mean, yes. But the way you look right now, we’re not dealing with a rebound anymore. Back me up, Carly.”

Carly was swaying from side to side to soothe Teddy. She cocked her head as she aimed a smile at Kendra. “Kendra can handle her own business.”
