Page 32 of Saving Jenna

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“Is it normal for maintenance to clean floors or collect linens late in the evening?” the detective asked.

“As you might guess, giving birth and caring for new mothers can be…messy.” Nurse Grey nodded toward Brittany with a smile. “We try to keep things clean. So, yes, maintenance could’ve been called to clean a room or mop a floor. Why do you ask?”

“Did you notice a maintenance man working in the hallway last night before you left?” he asked.

The older nurse’s brow dipped low. “I believe so.”

“Did anyone call for maintenance to do a clean-up before you left?” the detective asked.

Nurse Grey pressed a hand to her chest. “I didn’t, but someone else might have. Do you want me to check?”

“No, thank you, Nurse Grey,” Detective Schwope said. “I’ve spoken to the other staff members who were on duty last night. No one called for maintenance.”

“That’s odd because I could swear that I saw someone wearing a hospital maintenance coverall working on this floor last night before I left.”

“If you think of anything that didn’t seem right or looked out of place last night, please call me at this number.” He handed her his business card, gave a curt nod to the others in the room and left.

Nurse Grey stared down at the card. “What is this world coming to?” She looked up at Brittany. “I know when you came in to deliver your baby, you said that you were considering putting her up for adoption, and then you changed your mind…” She shook her head. “This must be so very hard for you. How are you holding up?”

Brittany’s eyes filled with tears. “I want my baby back,” she said with a sob. “I didn’t realize how much I loved her until I held her in my arms. She’s a part of me and always will be.”

Nurse Grey gave her a sad look. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” Brittany said. “You weren’t even here.”

“Maybe if I’d stayed later, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“You can’t blame yourself,” Jenna said. “Someone else took the baby. That’s who the police will find.”

The nurse pressed a hand to her mouth. “Just know, my heart hurts for you. I truly believe everything will work out, and you’ll have your baby back soon.” She backed out of the room, still frowning, her lips pressed together in a tight line.

“She was so kind when I came in. I was so scared. She helped me through my labor,” Brittany said. “The world needs more Nurse Greys.”

Another knock sounded on the door.

“I get the feeling this room is Grand Central Station,” Cliff murmured.

“I don’t want to talk to another detective,” Brittany said. “I’ve told them the same story over and over.”

Cliff opened the door enough to see who was there.

He recognized Hank Patterson immediately and the beautiful blonde standing beside him.

Cliff grinned and turned back to Brittany. “It’s not a detective. I think you might want to talk to these folks.” He opened the door wider, allowing the two people to enter as he introduced them. “Brittany, Jenna,” Cliff said, “this is Hank Patterson and his wife, Sadie McClain.”

Jenna stood and held out her hand. “Mr. Patterson, I’ve heard a lot about you and Brotherhood Protectors.”

Hank shook her hand. “All good, I hope.”

“Absolutely.” Jenna grinned as she turned to his wife. “Ms. McClain, I don’t think a soul on earth wouldn’t recognize you. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Jenna shook the woman’s hand and moved aside for the couple to step up to Brittany’s bedside. “This is my sister Brittany.”

Brittany’s eyes widened as Sadie McClain stepped into her view. “You’re…you’re Sadie McClain. The movie star.”

Sadie smiled, took Brittany’s hand in hers and covered it with her other hand. “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brittany. I only wish it were under happier circumstances.”

Brittany’s eyes filled, spilling more tears down her cheeks. “You heard?”

Sadie nodded, her smile disappearing. “It’s why we came.”
