Page 69 of Knight's Seduction

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She felt dizzy and realized she’d lost all her breath. His lips felt soft and firm at the same time. How did he not have morning breath? If anything, he tasted amazing – like decadence and sinfulness rolled into one sexy package.

Just when she was about to forget everything – including her name – but this kiss, he raised his head.

“I’m going to need you to repeat everything you just said.”

Her eyes widened. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His grin was sinister, his eyes taking a devilish gleam. “Don’t lie to me, Gen. You know exactly what you said.”

“Well, it sounds like you know exactly what I said, so there’s no need to repeat it. In fact, we can just forget about it. We really should be getting ready for brunch with my parents.”

“We’re not going anywhere until you repeat what you said. If we’re late for brunch, so be it. You’re the one who will have to explain to your mother why we’re late or don’t make it at all.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Gennessey struggled between wanting to slap him and laugh at him.

“Fine! I said I love you. I know it’s too soon, and I don’t really like you, but there it is. I love you. So, if you want to run like most men do when women share their feelings, then don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.”

He kissed her again, and though it was brief, it was nonetheless devastating, stopping her righteous indignation in its tracks. This time when he stared into her face, his expression was more earnest.

“It’s about damn time.”

He drawled the words out gradually, so her frazzled mind took a moment to realize what he said. Then her brow furrowed, and her lips frowned.

“About damn time for what?” she demanded.

He moved his arm from the bed, and his thumb smoothed the lines between her brows. “Considering I’ve been in love with you for a while now, it’s about damn time you caught up to me.” As he spoke, his hand moved up, and his fingers tangled with her thick curls.

“No way. You weren’t in love with me. You didn’t even know me. The only time we were alone together before this trip was on missions, and then we were working. You’re just trying to convince me you haven’t been using your voodoo player ways on me.”

BB raised a questioning brow. “Voodoo player? Is that even a thing?”

She squirmed, but his body held her pinned to the mattress. “Yes, it is. I’ve spent years watching you do your thing with other unsuspecting females. I refuse to be one of them, BB. I’m not like them. I never will be.”

“Good. I don’t want them. I want you. And since you have doubts about how well I know you, allow me to change your mind. You have a weakness for potato chips, especially the plain, salty kind. Your nose wrinkles when you’re concentrating on something, and you hold the tip of your tongue between your teeth if you’re confused about something. You have more sass than any woman has a right to have, but you have a soft spot when it comes to children. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you slipping treats to Tristin’s twins when you think no one is looking. You give one hundred percent to any case you’re working, but if children are involved, you handle it like a woman possessed. You look great in anything you wear, but the color red makes you look incredibly sexy. Your family drives you crazy, but they are important enough to you for you to put up with it. And even though they give you grief about your life choices, you stay true to what you want. You’re strong and beautiful and funny and maddening. And all I want to do is spend every waking moment with you even if it means having you bust my balls the whole time.”

The longer he spoke, the wider her smile became until it split her face. This time she placed her hand at the back of his head and lowered his mouth to hers. Her tongue caressed the seam of his lips until they opened, giving her access to taste him. She tilted her head to take the kiss deeper, and passion sparked between them as quickly as a fire ignited by kerosene.

When he pulled away, she whimpered, not wanting the contact to be broken. She found a small measure of satisfaction to see him struggling for breath as much as she was.

“From the first time we met, I knew we’d be good together. I’ve taken every opportunity I had to spend time with you on missions, at the office or even when we’re having barbecues with the team. I don’t know when I fell in love with you exactly, but I’ve known it for a while. When you asked me to come this weekend, I hoped to show you I’m not looking for just another date or lover. You are special, Gen. Whatever happens, you will always be special to me.”

She felt tears prick the back of her eyes, and she blinked them away. Her hands cradled his face. She stared into his eyes and saw something she’d never noticed before – sincerity. She always judged him to be a player, but with her, he was genuine.

“God help me, but I want to see where this goes. That means no more playing games. No more flirtations and seducing other women. As long as we’re together, there will be no one else for me, and no one else for you. If it’s a deal breaker, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Gennessey held her breath as she waited for his reply.

BB lowered his head until his mouth hovered over hers. “That’s music to my ears. There’s nobody I want to be with except you. If you’re willing to give us a chance, then so am I because I know we’ll go the distance.”

She sighed as her heart fluttered in her chest. “Then make love to me already, and let’s make this official.”

“What happened to being late for brunch?”

“If my reason is good, I don’t mind explaining why we’re late. But you’d better make it good, or you’ll be the one making excuses to my mom.”

BB grinned. “With us, Gen, it will always be good.”

Chapter Thirty-One

As the Croft family brunch was wrapping up, after they had consumed the majority of the food, after they had swapped enough stories to make Gennessey wonder if BB would run far away from her as soon as he was out the door, after her mother hugged her and smiled without offering any sort of opinion on her life, Gennessey realized a sobering fact.

She was having a good time.
