Page 65 of Knight's Seduction

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“How does it feel?” BB continued. “To be an outcast everywhere you turn? Your dad didn’t want you. His crime boss wouldn’t hire you. You go to work for his rival as payback, and they treat you no better than a flunky. Hell, trying to work your way up by luring your father out ended up being a failure. You might as well give up, Bannon, because you’re not getting out of here alive at the rate you’re going.”

From behind him, BB heard Autumn gasp in shock. He knew their words were harsh, but the more they kept Bannon’s anger directed at them, the safer Autumn would be, and the faster Sam could take Bannon down.

Bannon started waving his gun between BB and Gennessey, his eyes widening to mirror his manic state. “My plan was working. I had everything falling into place, but then you two had to interfere. I should kill you two first. Then nothing would stand in my way.”

“You wouldn’t be the first to try,” Gennessey drawled. “And you won’t be the first to fail. Give up, Ryan. You are out of options.”

Bannon’s jerky movements made BB nervous. He risked a glance in Sam’s direction to nudge him in making a move before Bannon reacted to their jeering by firing his gun. But Bannon surprised them all by swinging the gun up to rest the barrel on the underside of his chin.

“I’m never out of options,” he said, almost proud of his decision to shoot himself instead of going to jail.

“Wait, wait, Ry—”

The boom shook the floor, and BB and Gennessey instinctively ducked and covered Autumn as plaster rained down from the ceiling. The bomb carried more force than Bannon predicted, but the force wasn’t enough to hurt any of them.

BB and Gennessey took advantage of the moment to push Autumn out of harm’s way toward the exit.

“Run! Get out, and we’ll get him. Just go!” Gennessey shouted.

Autumn thankfully didn’t protest or argue. She just ran toward Zane, who had been standing by the door ready to step in if needed. The guests had finally all exited the hotel before the explosion.


BB and Gennessey whirled around, their guns once again pointed at Bannon, but they quickly lowered their weapons when they saw Sam had already disarmed the mobster, zip-tied his hands behind his back, and secured the weapon.

Gennessey stepped forward, her face a mask of rage. BB’s hand shot out and gripped her arm to stop her.

“Gen, don’t.”

“I have to know for sure if he’s working alone. I need to know how deep this threat against my family goes.”

He saw she had a grip on her anger, so he released her with a nod.

As he watched her step in front of Bannon, he resisted the urge to stand at her side. She had this handled, but he loved teaming up with her.

They started this case together, and though this was her family, he felt invested in the outcome too. He barely knew them. The family was too large to get to know in one weekend, but those he’d gotten to know he liked. Like Gennessey, he was ready to see them out of danger.

“This ends with you, right, Ryan?” Gennessey’s voice held an undertone of steel.

He spat at her, and Sam popped him on the back of his head with his palm.

“Hey!” Bannon shouted, but when Gennessey moved in closer, he snapped his mouth shut.

“Tell me, Ryan. Who else is coming after my family? Tell me now, or I make your stay in prison miserable.”

He smirked. “I’m not going to prison.”

BB loved the way her brow quirked as if she knew exactly what Bannon was thinking.

“That’s what this is all about? You go to all of this trouble to strike the same deal as your old man? Testify against the crime family to go into witness protection? There’s just one problem, Ryan. You’re not a big enough fish in the crime family for anyone to care what you have to say.”

Bannon paled, and BB wanted to cheer at how Gennessey got under the criminal’s skin.

“If you have any pull at all, you put the word out. My family is off limits. No one has any knowledge or involvement in anything or with anyone in your criminal world. Coming after my family means they gain me and my friends as enemies, and you’ve seen first-hand how we come after our enemies. You understand me, Ryan?”

Bannon wisely kept his mouth shut, and Sam nudged him to move toward the door where the local authorities were waiting to apprehend him. BB went to her side, unable to stay away any longer.

“Good job, Gen. You think the danger stops with him?”
