Page 5 of Knight's Seduction

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BB couldn’t remember the night she spoke of, but he thought her story sounded true. Regardless, her attention reminded him that while Gennessey didn’t want anything to do with him, other women still found him worth spending time with.

“I have been waiting for the right person to join me on the dance floor, and then here you are like an angel from heaven.” His smile came naturally to him, a perfect combination of charm and kindness which downplayed any insincerity in his words. “What do you say?”

The song suddenly switched to a slow ballad, its tones sexy and designed for couples who wanted to get close as they danced. Nikki’s smile would have driven a lesser man to his knees, and instead of answering, she grabbed his hand and led him to the center of the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she plastered her body against his, her slender frame a perfect complement to his tall, muscular body. They swayed to the music, a slow seduction which held a promise of a passionate night ahead.

BB turned them on the dance floor, and his gaze connected with the bright blue eyes that haunted his dreams. Gen and the Asshole were dancing just a few short feet away, their bodies also close. But her eyes were fixed on BB, and he couldn’t look away. Suddenly, the blonde in his arms felt wrong. The distance between him and Gen was too much.

No, he may not be lovesick, but Gennessey Croft had ruined him for any other woman.

Chapter Three

How could a month have passed already?

Gennessey sipped her coffee from her “I don’t give a sip” mug. The hot liquid scalded her tongue and burned a trail down her esophagus. Her eyes fixated on the linen invitation secured to the front of her refrigerator with a magnet.

She’d placed it there as motivation to find the human buffer to accompany her as her fake boyfriend. Now that she had, the invitation was a reminder that she would soon deal with her family’s judgment, disappointment, and, if they weren’t happy with her plus-one, matchmaking.

With a whispered curse, she poured her unfinished coffee down the sink, switched off the coffee maker to be cleaned when she came home, and grabbed the bag she carried to work every day. Slinging the strap over her arm, she jerked open her door only to gasp and close it as quickly and quietly as possible. She pressed her back to the wall and closed her eyes, releasing a silent wish that she hadn’t been seen. Then she turned to peer through the door’s peephole to see if her wish had come true.

BB still had his back to her apartment as he secured the door to his own at the end of the hallway. He never spared a glance in her direction as he hurried down the short hall and took the steps out of sight. Since she was alone with no one to know the direction of her thoughts, she allowed herself a moment to appreciate the view of Brennan Beckett walking away.

His entire build was muscular and hard, but the definition in his thighs and firm ass was enough to make her mouth water. Not that she ever wanted him to know, the arrogant little cuss. He had too many women falling at his feet as it was. He definitely didn’t deserve to add her to his list, and she was angry with herself for being attracted to him even a fraction.

Since they worked together, any relationship they may have would cause a messy aftermath when they fizzled out as a couple. And they would fizzle out. BB didn’t do long-term, and she didn’t do forever.

She felt foolish hiding in her apartment to avoid talking to him, but it was better for her peace of mind if their paths crossed as little as possible. Keeping him at arm’s length when it was just the two of them was getting difficult, especially when he turned on the charm and did his best to get under her skin. It was a game for him, and she wasn’t anxious to play along.

Of course, maintaining distance was even harder since their apartments were on the same floor of the same apartment building, one which housed many KSI employees. Wings once lived there before he started flipping houses. Sydney lived there before she married Panther. Most of the Delta Team lived there. But only she and BB occupied the third floor along with one vacant unit.

When she agreed to lease the apartment, the decision only made sense. The building was close to work. Its security was tighter than any top-secret military facility ever thought about being, and because KSI’s owner, Tristin Knight, managed the building, the rent was well within her means.

She never imagined living down the hall from Brennan Beckett would backfire the way it had. The man had no shame when it came to teasing and flirting with her. She’d told him no over and over, and he considered it a challenge. She was someone for him to conquer just to say he had. Their friends told her he wasn’t really that kind of guy. They said his heart was big and sensitive under all the bravado, but she’d met his type too many times in her life. His brand of love-‘em-then-leave-‘em lifestyle was not for her.

But it didn’t stop her from admiring his luscious ass.

When she felt like enough time had passed for him to leave the building and drive out of the parking lot, she secured her front door and ran down the stairs. She waved to the security guard as she rushed past, digging in her bag for her car keys while depositing her apartment keys.

She never liked to have one bulky set of keys to carry around, so all her keys were on separate keyrings. Her friends teased her about it, but she only rolled her eyes at them. They didn’t have to understand why it made sense to her.

She depressed the unlock button on her key fob and looked up when she heard the distinctive double beep. She skidded to a stop, barely holding on to her balance, and met the charming smile aimed at her with a fierce scowl of her own.

“What the hell, BB? We have to get to work.”

His long body lounged against her car, blocking the driver’s door. His beefy arms crossed over a broad chest, stretching the material of his T-shirt taunt over his muscles. The megawatt smile widened, flashing perfect white teeth and showing off the dimple in his cheek.

Gennessey focused on his slightly crooked nose, but though it was the one visible flaw he had, it still added to his rugged handsomeness. She clung to her sudden sour mood, which is what she needed to deal with his bullshit.

BB didn’t straighten or move out of the way. “I need a ride.”

“You have your own truck.”

“It won’t start. I have a friend coming to take a look at it, but in the meantime, I need a ride.”

She surged forward and attempted to push past him, but he was immoveable. She glared at him, her ignition key poking between her fingers in a defensive measure aimed right at him.

“Call on one of the guys.”

He leaned forward until their faces were inches apart. “Delta left on assignment late last night. You’re the only one here to give me a ride unless one of the others drives out of their way to pick me up. Why should they have to do that when you’re already here? Come on, Gen. I’ll buy you breakfast.”
