Page 48 of Knight's Seduction

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She sobered. “You have Autumn now. It’s okay if things aren’t the same between us. You have her in your corner, and that’s all you need.”

“No, that’s not true. I need you too. No matter what’s going on, I have your back, and you have mine. That never changes. Not even if you and BB end up married with your own obscene number of kids with the craziest names ever imagined.”

She chuckled. “I don’t know about the husband and kids or even BB for that matter. But the rest is true. Always.”

“Good. Go. Do what you do but send Autumn in first. I feel the need to see my bride.”

“You got it. At least, I know she’ll make you rest and take care of yourself.”

She left the room with Cohen rolling his eyes before he closed them. He still appeared pale and was in pain, but she was thrilled to see him talking and acting like himself. She moved to the waiting room, not surprised to see her family still waiting around.

As much as they embarrassed her and drove her to madness, they never failed to support each other. If one was in need, they all reacted to help.

“How is he?” Carolyn asked her daughter.

“He’s weak and hurting, but I think he’s going to be okay as long as he rests and follows the doctor’s orders. He’s asking for Autumn.” Gennessey scanned the room, and though she saw Autumn’s parents, the bride herself was not there. “Where is she?”

Bonnie heard her question and pointed in the direction Gennessey had just come from. “She walked down to his room. You must have just missed her.” Autumn’s mother looked exhausted and ready to fall on her face if her husband wasn’t supporting her.

“Are you sure that’s where she was heading?”

Bonnie and Rex nodded, and Gennessey stepped into the hall to double check. She doubted there was any way she could miss Autumn if they passed by each other between the waiting room and Cohen’s room.

“What’s going on?”

She turned around to see BB standing behind her. “Have you seen Autumn?”

“Not since the doctor gave us an update. Is she with Cohen?”

She shook her head. “No. I just came from there. Her parents said she was heading that way, but I know I didn’t pass her.”

“Okay, look, go back to his room and just make sure she’s not there. I’ll get your brothers to look for her in the cafeteria, and your mom can look for her in the restroom. I’ll check outside. She has to be here somewhere.”

Gennessey nodded, but she wasn’t sure she believed that. “Will you call Owen too? Have him check the hospital’s security feed?”

She could see in his eyes that he wondered what had her gut churning, but he only nodded and moved on to enlist help in looking for Autumn. She tried not to jump to the worst-case scenario as she poked her head into Cohen’s room to tell him Autumn had stepped out for some fresh air. No reason to worry him until she knew if her suspicions were valid, and fortunately he was feeling too rough to notice she lied.

Gennessey didn’t bother returning to the lobby. She instead went in search of BB and found him standing outside the hospital entrance on the phone. He hung up when he saw her step outside.

“What did you find out?”

“Owen found her on the security feed leaving the hospital out a side entrance about fifteen minutes ago. There was a car waiting for her. Probably an Uber. He’s checking to see if he can track it down and see where it dropped her off.”

“Why would she leave the hospital when her fiancé is upstairs in critical condition?”

“Why wouldn’t she tell anyone she was leaving?” BB countered, and Gennessey realized her gut had been trying to make her realize the truth all along.

“She’s involved in this somehow. We need to meet up with the team. Autumn should be the focus of our investigation. If she doesn’t know who shot Cohen, I’m betting she knows what’s going on.”

“That’s kind of a leap, don’t you think? She doesn’t strike me as someone who would be involved in something sinister. She’s almost too sweet. But for argument’s sake, if she did know more, why not tell you when Cohen was shot?”

“When we find her, I’ll ask her. My gut’s telling me she has more answers than we do. She’s the lead we’ve been looking for.”

“Should we question her parents then?”

Gennessey nodded. “Good idea. Would you mind? I need to talk to Cohen again.”

“What are you going to tell him?”
