Page 40 of Knight's Seduction

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Autumn nodded, obviously overcome with emotion. Gennessey reached out for the necklace and draped it around her neck. She secured it and stepped back. When Autumn turned, Gennessey smiled at the elegant picture she presented.

“It’s perfect. Cohen has good taste. In jewelry and brides.”

Autumn laughed and dabbed her eyes with her fingers. “Remind me to kick his butt for making me cry before my wedding.”

“Only if you promise to let me watch while you do it.”

“Deal.” Autumn’s smile was wide, her eyes sparkling.

“You know, I remembered something this morning on my way here. Cohen told you about our friendship and our rocky relationship with our families, didn’t he?” At Autumn’s nod, she continued. “Well, the summer before our senior year of high school was the worst. They were pressuring us about college and our futures. It was a lot of pressure, so we spent a lot of time down by the lake to get away from them. I would fish most of the time. Cohen would read or draw. This one day, he sketched something and showed it to me. When I think about it, you look a lot like the sketch. Bright eyes, long hair, beautiful, and the same smile you have whenever you look at Cohen. I asked him then who the woman was in the sketch. He said she didn’t have a name. She just lived in his dreams.”

Autumn’s tears started anew. “Oh, God. What are you two doing to me? Is that true, or are you exaggerating to make sure I always love him even when he acts like a stupid male?”

Gennessey grinned, liking the bride more and more the longer they talked. “It’s true. I don’t know if he still has the sketch or even remembers it, but if he does, you should ask him to show it to you.”

Autumn stepped forward and hugged her. “Thank you. I know you and Cohen never wanted to be a part of all the wedding fuss, and this takes you out of your comfort zone. But I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad he has you in his life, and I’m glad we are friends. I’ll do all I can to make him happy.”

“Oh, I know you will. Now, go. Pull yourself together and touch up your makeup. I’m going to check on the groom. It’s almost showtime.”

“How is he? Is he nervous or getting cold feet?”

Gennessey shook her head. “No way. He’s ready to meet you at the end of the aisle and make this official.”

They hugged once more and went in separate directions. Gennessey couldn’t wait to report to her cousin how well his gift was received.


During the ride to Gennessey’s grandparents’ home, BB managed to reign in his frustration at being delayed. Giving his statement to the police had taken longer than it should have, and he learned the thief had been on their radar a while. She’d been targeting hotels, festivals, and any other location which drew a crowd of people with money to burn.

Jimmy managed to identify the guests who had something stolen and returned their property to them. As much as he was glad to be in the right place at the right time to catch the thief, he hated that he ran out of time to see Gennessey before the ceremony.

Several vehicles already lined the drive and street by the time he arrived, so he had to park his truck some distance away and hike to the backyard. The temperature was oddly mild for a southern summer day, but he worked up a sweat just from the walk, which only added to his poor disposition.

Most of the seats were occupied, leaving only a few in the middle of rows on both sides of the aisle. Unless he had room to stretch his long legs in front of him, he knew he would not be comfortable. Using his most charming smile, he coaxed a group of people to move down, so he could have a seat next to the aisle, citing the excuse he promised Cohen’s cousin he would take photos of the ceremony with his phone.

Though he made Gennessey no such promise, he would snap a couple of pictures of her dressed in her wedding best — not to share but to keep. He had no idea what would happen once the weekend was done and they went back to their routine, so he wanted something to memorialize the shift in their relationship. He knew things would never be normal between then, but he also half-expected her to pretend they were, just to protect herself.

A hush fell over the guests as the minister appeared at the front with Cohen and Gennessey. BB stilled, his eyes riveted on Gennessey as she positioned herself at Cohen’s side. His jaw slacked, and his eyes widened a fraction. All the whispers and the music and movement around him faded away. He may as well have been alone with the beautiful woman whose very presence held him captive.

She was perfect. He almost whispered the word but realized his mind and his mouth weren’t syncing up at the moment. He couldn’t look away from her.

She’d straightened her hair until it fell in a shimmering cascade of black silk. Her makeup was flawless, accentuating her cheekbones, her wide eyes and her full lips. The dress was modest, but when she moved, he could see a flash of her sexy leg.

He thought no one was supposed to upstage the bride at a wedding, but Gennessey outshined everyone.

The music played as couples sauntered down the aisle, the bridesmaids taking their place on one side and the groomsmen on the other. His eyes narrowed as he saw a couple of the groomsmen checking Gennessey out, and he mentally counted off all the ways he could hurt them if they made a move on his girl.

The woman sitting in the chair in front of him stood, blocking his view, and BB realized the music has changed. The guests were rising to their feet for the arrival of the bride. He stood, keeping his body forward and his eyes on the only one he cared to see. Gennessey watched Autumn’s father lead her down the aisle, her dress extending in a long train that softly rustled as she walked.

As the bride passed by his row, he caught Gennessey’s gaze. Her mouth widened in a genuine smile, her eyes sparkling in bright color mirroring the blue sky.

And BB fell more in love with Gennessey Croft.

He’d been attracted to her from the first day he met her. The first time he was on the receiving end of her sarcastic wit, he knew he wanted to spend more time with her. He started to fall for her when he saw how well she fit in with his family and how she was there for his mom during a difficult time. He fell harder when he saw her vulnerability with her family. He only wanted to protect her from ever feeling less than extraordinary in anyone’s eyes.

But now that he knew what it was like to be Gennessey’s adversary, and then her friend, and then her boyfriend — even if it was pretend — and then her lover, he was hopeless.

She was it for him.
