Page 31 of Knight's Seduction

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This earned him a melodious laugh. “Can you just imagine? Wings walking into the war room and singing the details of our next case. We would never get anything done because we’d all be laughing.”

He chuckled. “You have a point.”

A few seconds ticked by before she spoke again. “How was the poker game?”

He shrugged. “About like any other poker game. I was kind of distracted though.”

She peered quizzically into his face. “Distracted? How?”

“Thinking about you. Wondering what you were doing. Wondering how many men you pulverized for trying to get too handsy with you.”

She shrugged. “Only two, but they backed off once I glared at them. I didn’t have to punch them or anything.”

BB chuckled. “That’s my Gen. Always tough. Always fierce.”

He spun her around again, blocking her view where her only choice was to keep looking at him. He liked having those lovely eyes assessing him, teasing him, provoking him. His body buzzed with the energy surging between them, and thankfully, years of training meant he could maintain a calm façade, hiding all the ways she lit his body on fire.

Her expression clouded, and he didn’t like the slight downturn to her lips.

“I don’t know.” Her tone was gentle, making her words almost imperceptible.

Before he could caution himself, he lifted his hand to brush her silky hair from her face. The colorful lights of the bar cast an ethereal glow around her, but it was her troubled eyes which had him stopping at the edge of the dance floor, his arms still holding her.

“Hey,” he drawled. “Why would you say that? I’ve never met a tougher woman than you. Except maybe my mom. Oh, and well, Isobel. But I think you rank evenly with her.”

That brought a slight smile to her face, which had been his hope with his quip. But still he waited, studying her face for any signs as to what tormented thoughts tumbled around in her beautiful brain.

“I appreciate the thought, but I doubt Isobel or even your mom would be afraid of her family to the point she forced a guy to pretend to be in love with her. It’s like the plot of a bad rom com, the kind I always made fun of and thought was pathetic.”

Reassuring words rested on the tip of his tongue, but he held them back. He dropped his arms only so he could grasp her hand firmly in his. Her silky skin was like a balm against his rough palm, but he could feel a callous or two on the long fingers which thankfully wrapped around his without hesitation. The callouses gave proof that what he said was true. Gennessey was strong and showed no fear when it counted. He needed her to see what he did, but the bright and loud karaoke bar was not the place for that conversation.

“What are you doing?” She questioned him but never faltered in following him all the way back to the bar where they left Cohen and Autumn.

BB didn’t bother to answer her. He marched up to the engaged couple, drawing their attention away from each other. “Hey, guys, I think Gen and I are going to cut out of here and grab some food. Cohen, you good to catch a ride with the girls?”

“Actually, I think we’re going to cut out too. We’ll leave the limo for the others, but Autumn and I can get an Uber.”

“I can’t leave,” Autumn protested. “This is my bachelorette party.”

If BB expected Gennessey to use Autumn’s response as an excuse not to leave with him, he was proven wrong when she stepped up beside him, her hand still resting in his. “The others won’t mind. They’re enjoying the drinks and the dancing too much to leave. They’ll think it’s romantic or sexy that the two of you want to sneak off the night before your wedding. Go on. I’ll make sure they know they’re on their own, and then BB and I will leave too.”

BB wanted to chastise himself for feeling this much pleasure at hearing Gennessey say she would leave with him, but he didn’t want to waste any time before getting her alone. Between the two of them, they quickly found all the bridesmaids and maid of honor, gave them the news the bride was abandoning her own party to be with her fiancé, and made sure they knew the limo would give them a ride home at the end of the evening.

Once the task was done, BB hurried back to Gennessey’s side, taking her hand again, and leading her out of the bar like his ass was on fire. She had him stop and fill in the limo driver on the change in plans, and he even tipped the guy a little extra to ensure he took care of the rest of their party. Then he settled Gennessey in the passenger side of his truck, fighting the urge to kiss the grin from her face. When he slid behind the wheel and fastened his seatbelt, he felt some of his urgency wan.

She was here. Alone. With him. And no distractions.

He was here. Alone. With her. And her sweet perfume. And her lovely skin left bare by her sexy top. Her soft hair had his hand twitching to be tangled up in it. Her full lips mocked him often, but right now they beckoned him to throw good sense out the window.

Damn. I didn’t think this through.

“You must be starving.” Her chuckle came from deep in her throat, a seductive sound which stirred his cock.

He was starving, all right. Just for the one thing he couldn’t have.

“Where to?” he asked instead, his hands gripping the steering wheel to have something to do.

“There’s not much open now in Millforth, except the bar and this fast-food place slash gas station about two miles from here. Even the hotel’s restaurant is closed now. No room service.”
