Page 21 of Knight's Seduction

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BB nodded. “Yes. Brennan Beckett, but everyone calls me BB. Which one of you is Jasper and which is Merrick?”

“You know, Gennessey always said she would never date someone she worked with. Why did she make an exception with you?” The brother in front of him spoke, ignoring his question.

“She didn’t, at the start. But I’m glad she didn’t. It gave us a chance to be friends first, and I’m damn lucky to say she’s one of my best friends.”

“And what happens when it doesn’t work out between you? Is my sister going to be kicked to the curb?”

BB turned to meet the eyes of the brother beside him. “No way. We’re both professionals, and we can keep our personal lives separate from work. Besides, if this doesn’t work out, it’ll likely be her choice, not mine. I’ve liked her for too long to mess things up.”

He knew one of the first lessons of working undercover was to use enough truth in the cover story to sell it and remember it. With all his other romantic relationships, he’d never admitted to liking the woman more than she cared for him, but he didn’t regret letting the truth slip out. He’d liked Gen since she started working at KSI, and he would have shared that with her if she didn’t keep him at arm’s length.

“She’s never brought a guy around before.”

BB couldn’t stop his chuckle. “I’m guessing she didn’t want to subject him to an inquisition like the one I’m getting now. She did warn me about you two, but I get it. If I had sisters, I’d be the same way. It’s hard not to want to look out for them. Trust me though. I think your sister is amazing, and I’m not looking to do anything to hurt her. You’ve got my word.”

“Jasper,” the man beside him said, extending a hand.

BB accepted the handshake, feeling as if he passed the test. “Good to meet you, man. Gen’s told me a lot about you.” He then shook Merrick’s proffered hand. “And you too, Merrick. I have to say, Gen’s stories of growing up in a big extended family make me a little jealous. I love my parents and brothers, but there’s something to be said about growing up close to lots of aunts, uncles and cousins.”

“We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Merrick said. “But Gennessey…well, she was always looking for ways to get away from it. She and Cohen would disappear for hours on end without telling anyone where to find them. They said this family has a way of smothering you. I guess when you’re the only girl in a family like ours, you can’t help but feel that way.”

“Gennessey deserves to be seen and heard,” Jasper added. “She doesn’t get that much with our folks, but she had better get that in other areas of her personal life. Know what I’m saying?”

BB glanced over at Gen, noting her sharp gaze watching their exchange like a hawk. “Yeah, I understand exactly what you’re saying.”


BB couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard or so much, but the camaraderie in the hotel ballroom during the rehearsal dinner was just what he imagined a meal with a big family would be. Loud conversation, boisterous laughter, tall tales, good-natured banter, and too much activity to keep up with. Add to that an amazing meal with delicious wine, and BB was feeling relaxed and included.

Gennessey was feeling anything but. After grilling him about the conversation with her brothers on the ride back to the hotel, she’d fallen quiet, speaking only when spoken to first.

If someone commented on her reserved demeanor, she blamed it on fatigue stemming from the long day at work followed by the car ride and the evening’s activities. BB suspected there was more to it, but he knew enough to keep quiet. Whatever was bothering her was something she would have to work out on her own.

As the meal ended, the family broke up into groups to carry on an assortment of conversations which he had trouble following, so he was content to sit back by Gennessey’s side and enjoy the moment.

Her focus stayed on Cohen and Autumn as they soaked in being the center of attention. BB felt an ache in his chest from the sadness he read in her expression. She probably wasn’t aware of the emotion visible on her face. He just wanted to draw her in closer to his side, but he was sure she wouldn’t welcome his attempt at comfort.

He kept his arm draped across the back of her seat, his hand resting lightly against her back. Occasionally, his hand would stroke the smooth skin of her back in an up and down motion. He was surprised she didn’t pull away until he remembered she was playing a role.

“I’m going to step out to the restroom,” she told him, abruptly standing. “I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t give him a chance to say anything before she moved to the door of the ballroom. He watched her walk away, the soft material of her skirt swinging across the back of her legs. As she slipped outside, he stared at the door for several minutes after it closed behind her.

“It’s hard for her.”

BB wasn’t used to people sneaking up on him. He’d been distracted by his concern for Gennessey that he’d failed to notice Cohen dropping onto the chair she vacated.

“I was hoping we’d get a chance to meet. I wasn’t sure it would happen since you’ve been surrounded by people the whole evening. I’m Gen’s friend, Brennan Beckett.”

“BB,” Cohen added. “Yeah, she told me you would be her plus one. Thanks for coming with her. I hope our moms haven’t made things too uncomfortable for you. They’ve been waiting rather impatiently for Gennessey to bring home a boyfriend, and it’s just easier to let them think…well, you know.”

Gennessey had said Cohen was in on their ruse, though BB was surprised her cousin would dare to mention it when they were surrounded by family. BB scanned the room and realized no one was paying the two of them any attention. They were too busy drinking and enjoying themselves to notice.

“What do you mean it’s hard for her? I can tell something’s bothering her, but Gen doesn’t open up about her feelings.”

Cohen smiled and shook his head. “You’re right. I mean it’s hard for her to see me being accepted by our family while she’s still on the outside looking in. For the longest time, it’s been just the two of us against all of them. We stuck up for each other and rebelled together against the family norm. I’m still a disappointment in a lot of ways, but marrying Autumn has earned me some good favor. Gennessey’s earned some by bringing you to the wedding, but she’s not thrilled that it took that to earn their respect. She’s only ever wanted to be accepted for living her life on her terms.”

“They all seem to love her. It’s hard to imagine them not accepting her. She’s beautiful, strong, capable…” BB’s voice trailed off when he saw Cohen eyeing him suspiciously. “I just meant most people pray to have daughters like her.”
