Page 19 of Knight's Seduction

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Suddenly BB was at her side, his arm draping over her shoulder once her aunt released her. “It was my fault. I thought since I’m having to share Gen with all of you this weekend, I took the scenic route to steal a few extra minutes alone. I hope we didn’t cause any worry by showing up later than expected.”

Gennessey had her work with the CIA to thank for her quick recovery from the shock BB’s words caused her. She blinked at him before shifting her gaze back to her aunt and cousin.

“Ignore him. He exaggerates everything. I told Mom we might be a few minutes late since I had to work last night and had some paperwork to finish up before we left. But we’re here now. Aunt Barbara, this is my friend, Brennan Beckett. Barbara is married to the oldest of the Taylor children, my uncle James. And this…” She waved a hand in her cousin’s direction. “…this is my cousin James Jr., known to most of us as Jimmy. They own and operate one of the nicest hotels in the Southern states, if their website is to be believed.”

Jimmy offered his hand, and BB accepted the shake. “Ignore, Gen. She speaks two languages fluently, English and sarcasm. We’ve gotten used to it. Nice to meet you, Brennan.”

“Nice to meet you. My friends call me BB. And Mrs. Taylor, thank you for letting us stay in your hotel. It’s definitely nicer than some of the places I’ve stayed in, especially during my military career.”

Barbara eyed him with shrewd eyes shielded by wide rimmed glasses. “Nice to meet you, BB. I didn’t realize you were a military man. Gennessey’s grandfather will certainly be proud to hear it.”

“I don’t know. From what Gen tells me, he is an Army man, and I’m a Navy SEAL. Army and Navy are notorious rivals.”

“Whoa, a SEAL. Is it true they try to drown you as part of the training? That’s hardcore,” Jimmy said, and Gennessey somehow managed to stop from rolling her eyes far back into her head.

“BUD/S training is not for sissies,” BB replied smoothly, and Gennessey was more than ready for the awkward meeting to be over.

“Aunt Barbara, if you don’t mind, I think we should go ahead and check into our rooms. We want to freshen up before the rehearsal.”

Barbara and Jimmy exchanged a look before her aunt watched her curiously. “Rooms? But your mom said you and BB wouldn’t need more than one room. Which is good because we’re all booked up for the weekend. We did put you in one of our more spacious rooms. Jimmy already checked you in. Son, you have their key, don’t you?”

Jimmy nodded as he held out a key card. “I sure do. Chuck will take your luggage for you and show you the way. It’s good to see you, Gennessey. Nice to meet you, BB. I should get back to the front desk. Like Mom said, we’re booked for the weekend, so I need to help out our other guests. I’ll have to miss the rehearsal, but I’ll see you guys at dinner tonight.”

“I should go too. With the rehearsal dinner being here at the hotel, I have a lot of last-minute details to see to. It’s good to see you, Gennessey. You shouldn’t let so much time pass between visits. Nice to meet you, BB. We’re happy to have you join us.”

With her family gone, she turned to face BB, forcing him to drop his arm. “One room. I swear I asked for two. I insisted it would be better if we had two. I should have known my mother would try something. I just didn’t expect her to play matchmaker before she had a chance to meet you.”

“It’s okay, Gen. Let’s talk it over once we get in the room.”

He glanced over his shoulder at the concierge, and she realized he was warning her not to say too much in front of her family’s employee. She nodded and allowed BB to lead her inside by placing his hand against the small of her back.

She was surprised not to encounter any more of her family as they crossed the lobby to the elevators. Though they were likely getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, she had still imagined being greeted by a group of them, curious to meet and size up her plus-one.

She stayed quiet while BB chatted up the concierge, her thoughts occupied with images of what the rehearsal and consequent dinner would entail. A barrage of questions, knowing looks and innuendos that would destroy her appetite for the steak dinner she was sure Aunt Barbara had planned for the evening. Fortunately, when her family gathered together, there was plenty of alcohol flowing. Gennessey wasn’t sure there was enough wine on the planet to get her through the evening though.

Their room was on the third floor at the end of a long hallway. BB used the keycard to open the door and motioned for her to step in ahead of him. She halted in the middle of the room, her body still as the concierge put their luggage inside the door. BB conversed with him, tipped him and closed the door behind him. All the while she studied the room as dread grew into a heavy weight sinking to the pit of her stomach.

She stood on a shiny dark hardwood floor, behind the back of a navy couch with thin gray lines that matched two chairs and an accent wall behind the one king size bed. White bed linens were neatly tucked around a plush mattress. Navy and gray throw pillows were piled on top, and a navy throw laid across the foot of the bed.

An opening to the left of the bed showed an alcove containing an office area with a desk, refrigerator and coffee pot. To the right was a door leading to a spacious bathroom with a deep tub, glass encased shower, his and her sinks and a toilet. Matching chifforobes and a dresser completed the furnishings. The room was beautiful, but all Gennessey could focus on was the one bed.

“I’m sorry,” she sighed.

“It’s no big deal, Gen. So we have to share a bed. It’s not like anything’s going to happen, and it sells the story. Now remind me of the weekend’s schedule. Tonight’s the rehearsal.”

She forced herself to look away from the bed and decided to follow his change in topic. “Right. At 6 at my grandparents’ house. The dinner is here at the hotel at 7 or so. Only those in the wedding party will be at the rehearsal, but the whole family will be at dinner. That’s why we’re having it here. The ballroom is big enough for all of us.”

“Okay. Do I need to come to the rehearsal then?”

She sighed. “Yes, they’ll expect you to even though you’re not in the wedding. Tomorrow, we’re having a lingerie shower for Autumn, so you won’t have to come to that. Then tomorrow night, I’ll have Autumn’s bachelorette party, and you can hang out here or go somewhere for dinner or whatever you want to do. Then Saturday evening is the wedding. I’ll be helping with everything, so you’ll have to come to the wedding on your own. Then we’ll be expected to be together at the reception. It’ll go pretty late probably. Then Mom wanted us to stay for brunch on Sunday before we head back to Grayson Cove.”

“We don’t have a lot of time before the rehearsal then. Do you mind if I grab a shower first? Then the bathroom’s all yours.”

“N-no, it’s fine. Go ahead. I could use a minute to myself anyway.”

BB took a step closer to her, and she moved away to add the space back between them.

“Gen, are you okay? What can I do?”
