Page 95 of Fall of an Empire

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“Yes. We can’t wait any longer.” I grab a satchel and shove a map inside. “Are you going to remain in Soreno?”

“I am going to travel with you and the king.” The light blush of her cheeks spells danger.

“He is human.”

“He is handsome. And my people wish me to accompany you. So I can assist as needed.”

“You are one person. And the Tenebris are immune to your song.”

“My song is not my only power, warrior. And my people wish for me to keep them apprised of your progress. They will meet us for battle, but no sooner.”

Hope warms me. “The sirens wish to join us?”

“We stand with the Queen of this realm,” she replies. “And her alone.”

“Which is why you are the one traveling with me.”

She beams. “You are smart and handsome. A wicked combination to be sure.” Her head cocks to the side. “Now. Are we going to leave soon?”

“You need clothes to travel. Come.” I move out into the hall, grateful to see Salma already heading this way. “I need your help.”

The elf stops and stares at the siren in a mixture of awe and mistrust. “I heard we had a siren in our midst.”

“Can you get her dressed for travel? We leave tonight. Carleah is on her way to the Land of Giants alone—and she’s on foot.”

“Alone? Why the—” She narrows her gaze at the siren. “You attacked their ship.”

“Our desire was to kill the Son of Flame, but we only succeeded in slowing him down.”

“It’s still a success. Let’s go.” She turns on her heel and heads back down the hall.

“What is your name?”

“Harmonica,” she replies. Then skips down the hall after Salma while I stare after her.

As soon as she’s out of sight, I make my way back to the king’s study. Bowman is pacing just inside. Lacrae leans back against a desk, arms crossed, while Alastair sits behind it, studying a map of the city. Both men look up as I enter.


“The sirens sank the ship Carleah was traveling on.”

All three men stiffen.

“The Queen—”

“Is fine,” I tell Alastair. “Or was. The siren claims to have guided Carleah to the shore and sent her to the giants alone.”

“Why the hell would she do that?” Bowman demands. “Why wouldn’t she come back here?”

“Because she thinks we’re dead,” I tell him honestly, the truth gutting me. The pain she must be feeling. The loneliness at thinking she is completely and utterly alone in this world.

“She wouldn’t have a reason to come back here.” Lacrae shakes his head. “That is a long journey alone.”

“Which is why we need to leave now and travel straight through until we reach her.”

“Fort,” Bowman starts. “I want to get to my sister, too, but the soldiers will need a rest.”

“The Tenebris are on her trail,” I tell him. “Burning cities to the ground to find her. If they get her first—”
