Page 85 of Fall of an Empire

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“Son of Flame?” Salma questions. “We got that much.”


She turns to the side, noticing Lacrae and Alysia for the first time. Her expression faulters at the sight of her half-sister. “No,” she whispers as she runs forward and drops to her knees, feeling for a pulse.

When she gets none, she pulls Alysia close and whispers something I can’t quite make out.

A plea, perhaps.

An elf rushes through the door, white robes and a bag in hand. He is at Bowman’s side in minutes, and the king steps back to allow him access.

“We need to find Carleah.”

“Go,” Bowman chokes out.

I take one final look at him and sprint toward the stairs. War rages through the castle, ravaging all those caught in its path. Servants have been gathered in the dining hall, all of them on their knees, their hands behind their heads.

Soldiers lie dead all over the floor—the only ones still breathing kneeling along with the servants.

Amongst them, I spot Griffyn. “Where is she?” I demand as my strides eat up the space between us.

“Gone,” he replies.

“Where?” I grip the front of his shirt and rip him toward me, my strength having returned the moment I stepped free of that treacherous tunnel.

“I don’t know. They got on a ship a few hours ago,” he replies. “They’ll be but a dot on the horizon by now.”

“Shit.” I rush out into the bright sun and sprint toward the docks. Around me, dwarves and elves continue through the village, sparing the innocent, capturing the soldiers. My heart hammers as my bare feet slap against the stone road I run down. Wind whips at me, pulling at my hair and drying the blood on my body.

I can see Carleah’s terrified face.

Hear her screams as though she is right in front of me.

But as soon as I reach the docks, I scan the ocean for any sign of Carleah.

And just as Griffyn warned, I see nothing but a dark spot on an otherwise gorgeous horizon. “I’m coming, Carleah,” I whisper to the winds. “And I am going to fucking kill anything that gets in my way.”

Chapter 29


“Why do you stare back at the kingdom as though you expect Fort to be swimming toward us? Do you truly think so highly of him?”

“There is nothing he is not capable of,” I reply coldly.

We’ve been traveling for nearly a day already, and I can no longer make out Soreno on the horizon. My hope is that pirates will find and put us all out of our misery.

Without Patrick, there is no Son of Flame. Without me, no chance to awaken the giants.

It would solve each and every one of my problems.

“I guarantee he is not capable of surviving losing his head. Which is exactly what I ordered be done the moment we were on this ship. They’re long dead, my queen. Hoping otherwise will only delay your inevitable happiness.”

I whirl on him, jabbing my finger into his chest. “Inevitable happiness? You have killed everyone I have ever loved!” I scream, slamming my hand into his chest. “How the hell do you think I will ever be happy?”

“Because I know you, Carleah.” He smiles and takes my hand. “We are one and the same. Two sides of the same destiny.”

“We may be two sides of the same destiny, but we are not one and the same.” I turn away, and Patrick grabs my arm, spinning me back toward him. He grips my chin, forcing me to stare up at him.
